7.3. Type Slots


This section was extracted from Object Implementation. There is an extended comparison with the CPython slots.

7.3.1. Choice of MethodHandle

The special methods defined by the Python Data Model, like __neg__ and __add__, are closely related to the byte codes to which basic arithmetic and other operations are compiled. Each Python type may make its own definition of these methods. In some types, this definition can change at any time, superseding one in the original definition of the type, or a method may appear where the slot was previously empty or vanish from where it previously existed.

The methods will be called quite frequently as code runs, so it is useful to be able to reach them quickly. Since there is a finite set of such methods, it is possible to declare a field for each in the Operations object for the implementation class. Java provides the MethodHandle as a low-level feature that can achieve this purpose.

abstract class Operations {
    MethodHandle op_repr;
    MethodHandle op_hash;
    MethodHandle op_call;
    MethodHandle op_str;
    MethodHandle op_getattribute;

The signature of each method is known from the name, although it is not apparent in the Java type of the handle. Compare this with the descriptor for a method, where we must store a complex description in order to marshal arguments into a correct call. In the context where we use a MethodHandle, we shall know the number and type of arguments, and what the handle returns. The field need only point us to the right implementation. The slot of a method not defined is filled by a handle of the right type that throws a special EmptyException.

A MethodHandle may be invoked in much the same way as a C function pointer in the implementation of CPython. Here for example is how we invoke the __hash__ special method or discover that it is not defined. We know that op_hash accepts one argument and returns an int:

public class Abstract {
    public static int hash(Object v) throws TypeError, Throwable {
        try {
            return (int)Operations.of(v).op_hash.invokeExact(v);
        } catch (Slot.EmptyException e) {
            throw typeError("unhashable type: %s", v);

The Very Slow Jython Project is not primarily concerned with performance, but it is interested how to apply correctly those mechanisms that the JVM provides for dynamic languages. Used well, that should lead to a high performance.

We could implement these slots in other ways, using classes or lambda-expressions. A strong motivation for the use of MethodHandles is that they work directly with invokedynamic call sites, another pert of the JVM’s dynamic language support. Call sites support dynamic specialisation to the exact types encountered at run-time.

A MethodHandle may have a tree-like internal structure, by composition from other handles. The optimisation built into a JVM understands MethodHandle trees, and is able to transform them into efficient machine code. When we come to generate code for the JVM, we expect to output invokedynamic instructions, and this is the code in which we seek maximum performance.

7.3.2. Learning from CPython

Special Methods and the type Object in CPython

In the case of types defined in C, the built-in and extension types, the slot is assigned a pointer to the C implementation function, either statically or during type creation from a specification. Built-ins use the static model, so in the CPython source we often encounter a structure like this, the type object int:

PyTypeObject PyLong_Type = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
    "int",                                      /* tp_name */
    offsetof(PyLongObject, ob_digit),           /* tp_basicsize */
    long_to_decimal_string,                     /* tp_repr */
    &long_as_number,                            /* tp_as_number */
    0,                                          /* tp_as_sequence */
    0,                                          /* tp_as_mapping */
    (hashfunc)long_hash,                        /* tp_hash */
    0,                                          /* tp_call */

The run-time invokes the function long_hash via the tp_hash slot whenever it needs to compute the hash, having first checked it is not 0 (null). The slots tp_as_number, tp_as_sequence, and several others, lead to optional sub-tables that work the same way. int points tp_as_number to a table it creates which contains slots for the numeric operations.

CPython also creates a descriptor in the dictionary of the type to wrap any slot implemented. Those that are not implemented (are null) are absent from the dictionary.

>>> int.__dict__['__hash__']
<slot wrapper '__hash__' of 'int' objects>
>>> '__call__' in int.__dict__

When a class is defined in Python, the body is executed in an isolated namespace and the functions defined by that execution become methods of the class. When execution of the class body is complete, CPython goes on to wrap each special method in a C function that it posts to the corresponding slot in the type object, the same place they would be if defined in C originally.

Thus, however a special method is implemented, in Python or C, the slot is filled and there is an entry in the type dictionary.

Complications in CPython

The account so far makes it appear that each slot relates to a single special method name. This is approximately correct and true for some slots. In many other cases it is more complicated: some slots involve multiple special methods, and a few special methods affect more than one slot. This complicates both the filling of the slot from a method defined in Python, and the synthesis of a Python method from a slot filled by C. This is considered further in Potentially Problematic Slots in CPython.

This difficulty cannot be resolved in CPython by changes to the slot lay-down since the lay-down is public API and many extensions rely on it. Recent work to make the internals of PyTypeObject restricted API does not hide the set of slot names.

Initialising Slots in CPython

We will not try to explain this in full. CPython’s type slot design may be appreciated through the slotdefs[] table in typeobject.c. It is built with the help of an ingenious set of macros. In a relatively simple entry like this:

TPSLOT("__repr__", tp_repr, slot_tp_repr, wrap_unaryfunc,
       "__repr__($self, /)\n--\n\nReturn repr(self)."),

we may identify:

  1. the name of the special method,

  2. the name of the type slot it fills,

  3. a slot_* function used to dispatch a Python definition of the method,

  4. a wrap_* function used to present a filled slot in a descriptor, and finally

  5. a documentation string.

The slotdefs[] table is central to the process of filling and using the type. Here is a much shortened version:

static slotdef slotdefs[] = {
    TPSLOT("__getattribute__", tp_getattro, slot_tp_getattr_hook,
           "__getattribute__($self, name, /)\n--\n\nReturn ... ."),
    TPSLOT("__getattr__", tp_getattro, slot_tp_getattr_hook, NULL, ""),
    TPSLOT("__setattr__", tp_setattro, slot_tp_setattro, wrap_setattr,
           "__setattr__($self, name, value, /)\n--\n\nReturn ... ."),
    TPSLOT("__delattr__", tp_setattro, slot_tp_setattro, wrap_delattr,
           "__delattr__($self, name, /)\n--\n\nReturn ... ."),
    TPSLOT("__repr__", tp_repr, slot_tp_repr, wrap_unaryfunc,
           "__repr__($self, /)\n--\n\nReturn repr(self)."),
    TPSLOT("__lt__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_lt,
           "__lt__($self, value, /)\n--\n\nReturn self<value."),
    TPSLOT("__le__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_le,
           "__le__($self, value, /)\n--\n\nReturn self<=value."),

    BINSLOT("__sub__", nb_subtract, slot_nb_subtract, "-"),
    RBINSLOT("__rsub__", nb_subtract, slot_nb_subtract, "-"),
    BINSLOT("__mul__", nb_multiply, slot_nb_multiply, "*"),
    RBINSLOT("__rmul__", nb_multiply, slot_nb_multiply, "*"),

    IBSLOT("__imul__", nb_inplace_multiply, slot_nb_inplace_multiply,
           wrap_binaryfunc, "*="),

    MPSLOT("__len__", mp_length, slot_mp_length, wrap_lenfunc,
           "__len__($self, /)\n--\n\nReturn len(self)."),
    MPSLOT("__getitem__", mp_subscript, slot_mp_subscript,
           "__getitem__($self, key, /)\n--\n\nReturn self[key]."),

    SQSLOT("__len__", sq_length, slot_sq_length, wrap_lenfunc,
           "__len__($self, /)\n--\n\nReturn len(self)."),

    SQSLOT("__mul__", sq_repeat, NULL, wrap_indexargfunc,
           "__mul__($self, value, /)\n--\n\nReturn self*value."),
    SQSLOT("__rmul__", sq_repeat, NULL, wrap_indexargfunc,
           "__rmul__($self, value, /)\n--\n\nReturn value*self."),

    SQSLOT("__getitem__", sq_item, slot_sq_item, wrap_sq_item,
           "__getitem__($self, key, /)\n--\n\nReturn self[key]."),

    SQSLOT("__imul__", sq_inplace_repeat, NULL,
           "__imul__($self, value, /)\n--\n\nImplement self*=value."),


Two complicating phenomena may be discerned from the table, both known as “competition”:

  1. A special method like __mul__ or __len__ is repeated, and names more than one slot (second argument to the macro). When Python calls T.__mul__ on some type, which slot should the wrapper function invoke? To which slot does an operation in the interpreter (* say) map?

  2. A single slot like tp_getattro or nb_multiply is repeated, and is the target of more than one special method. If we define both in Python, which special method should be called by the slot_* dispatcher that CPython places in the slot?

CPython has definite answers to these questions in each case. For example, the table itself tells us that no slot function will be synthesised for sq_repeat in response to __mul__. Other conflicts are resolved by precedence in the table, so for example mp_length (if present) gets to define __len__, before sq_length is allowed to, and both cite the same wrap_lenfunc.

Some competition is fundamental to the semantics of the language, in particular the giving way in binary operations to sub-classes through the reflected methods (for example __mul__ and __rmul__). In this case, both special methods are necessarily referenced in the abstract API and in the slot functions, where this rule must be implemented.

However, competition contributes to the run time complexity of:

  1. the abstract API implementation (PyNumber_Multiply must also consult sq_repeat);

  2. the functions synthesised to call methods defined in Python (here slot_nb_multiply must work out which of __mul__ or __rmul__ is overridden in Python); and

  3. processing the slotdefs[] table to create or update a type.

The problem does not just afflict multiplication, but generates quite a few special cases. We consider the full set in Potentially Problematic Slots in CPython.

Parting Company

This is clearly a very complicated part of CPython, but perhaps worse because it must maintain as C API the layout and meaning of slots in a type object, relied upon by C extensions.

We do not have this legacy, so there is an opportunity to simplify. We must consider as definitive the documented data model expressed in terms of the special methods, that is, the Python API, not the C API or the gymnastics CPython undertakes to satisfy both at once. In particular, we shall aim for:

  1. A one-to-one relationship of slots to special methods in the data model (in those cases where there is a slot at all).

  2. Irreducible competition concentrated in the implementation of the abstract API methods (Abstract.add, etc.), keeping the MethodHandle that occupies the type slot simple.

At the same time, the remaining complexity in the abstract API will have to be replicated in the structure of the invokedynamic call site, when we come to that stage: less is better, but also we hope to pay the price only when linking the site.

The Java implementation of slots, while very important internally, will not be public API. We therefore have more freedom than CPython to align with the Python API and tailor the implementation as described next.

7.3.3. One-to-One Principle

As our thinking has evolved (in The Very Slow Jython Project), we have formed the view that aligning with the data model methods is preferable to repeating the choice of slots from CPython. It is effectively what Jython 2 does in defining its PyObject to have those names as (virtual) methods.

There is a risk in doing so that something CPython achieves cannot be reproduced in our preferred structure. We mitigated this risk by the consideration given it in Potentially Problematic Slots in CPython. At the time of writing, the approach has succeeded in representing a range of methods in a range of built in types, but we have not tested it with types defined in Python.

Naming Special Method Implementations

The approach to Java implementation of an object differs from CPython, where the names are only of local significance. A built-in type in Java will define methods with the same names as the special methods in Python. They are found by this name and exposed as slots and descriptors during type construction.

Each will usually be an instance method in the implementation class of the type. For example, in tuple (PyTuple) we find:

public class PyTuple extends AbstractList<Object>
        implements CraftedPyObject {
    // ...
    private int __len__() { return size(); }

In types with more than one Java implementation class, at least one implementation will be a static method. For example, in str (PyUnicode), which accepts String as an implementation, we find:

public class PyUnicode implements CraftedPyObject, PyDict.Key {

    private final int[] value;
    // ...
    private int __len__() { return value.length; }

    private static int __len__(String self) {
        return self.codePointCount(0, self.length());

Note that methods are found irrespective of Java visibility because the Exposer is given private access by the defining class.

Naming Type Slots

We have chosen to align our type slot names to the special methods from the Python data model, rather than the existing slots of CPython. Furthermore, this structure is flat: there are no sub-structures for numeric or sequence types.

After reading enough CPython source, something like tp_hash or nb_add “just looks like” a slot name, so to preserve this visual cue we name ours op_xxxx, where op_ denotes “operation” and xxxx is the middle of the “dunder-name” __xxxx__.

Example Names for Type Slots


special method

Closest CPython type slot


















tp_setattro (null value)






mp_subscript and sq_item

The op_* slots are all MethodHandle fields of the class Operations, which is a base class of PyType.

Each name is also the name of a structured constant found in enum Slot. Each member of the enum Slot provides services for initialising and interrogating the corresponding type slot. A shortened version of the Slot enum is:

enum Slot {


    op_lt(Signature.BINARY, "<"),
    op_le(Signature.BINARY, "<="),
    op_eq(Signature.BINARY, "=="),
    op_ne(Signature.BINARY, "!="),
    op_gt(Signature.BINARY, ">"),
    op_ge(Signature.BINARY, ">="),


    op_radd(Signature.BINARY, "+"),
    op_rsub(Signature.BINARY, "-"),
    op_rmul(Signature.BINARY, "*"),
    op_rmod(Signature.BINARY, "%"),
    op_rdivmod(Signature.BINARY, "divmod()"),

    op_add(Signature.BINARY, "+", op_radd),
    op_sub(Signature.BINARY, "-", op_rsub),
    op_mul(Signature.BINARY, "*", op_rmul),
    op_mod(Signature.BINARY, "%", op_rmod),
    op_divmod(Signature.BINARY, "divmod()", op_rdivmod),

    op_neg(Signature.UNARY, "unary -"),


    // ...

This is in some measure our equivalent of the CPython slotdef[] table. The enum encapsulates a lot of behaviour (not shown). What the CPython slotdef[] table achieves with its various macros, we mostly do through the different constructors and methods on it, or on the related enum Signature.

The name of the slot in the Operations object is the same as that of the enum constant. There is no relationship as far as Java is concerned, but by choosing the same name we do not have to specify it in the enum.

The full story is in Slot.java and Operations.java.

Flattening the Type Slot Table

We briefly noted above that our type slots are all simply member fields directly in the class Operations.

In CPython, type slots common to most objects (e.g. tp_repr) are fields in the PyTypeObject, while others (for number, sequence and mapping protocols) are in a second level table reached via a pointer that may be NULL. These are the ones with a prefix other than tp_, like nb_add, sq_contains and mp_subscript.

The motivation is surely to save space on type objects that do not need the full set of slots. It has led (perhaps avoidably) to some complexity in the abstract API, through having to consult two slots defined by a single data model function, one in each sub-table. For example, PyObject_Size must try both sq_length and mp_length.

A common idiom in the CPython source is something like:

m = o->ob_type->tp_as_mapping;
if (m && m->mp_subscript) {
    PyObject *item = m->mp_subscript(o, key);
    return item;
return type_error("'%.200s' object is not subscriptable", o);

We observe that types defined in Python (PyHeapTypeObject) always create all the tables, so only types defined in C benefit from this parsimony. As there are 54 optional slots in total, the benefit cannot exceed 432 bytes per type (64-bit pointers), which is a minor saving, even if there are a few hundred such types. (There appear to be 235 type objects in CPython that spare themselves the weight of the 36-entry tp_as_number table, a total saving of 66KB.)

We have therefore chosen an implementation in which all the slots are fields directly in the Operations object. This simplifies the code to create them, and saves an indirection with each operation. With the flattening of the type object, and the trick of using EmptyException in place of a test, the equivalent Java code is just:

try {
    Operations ops = Operations.of(o);
    return ops.op_getitem.invokeExact(o, key);
} catch (EmptyException e) {
    throw typeError(NOT_SUBSCRIPTABLE, o);

We shall not name all the fields of an Operations or PyType with the op_ prefix: fields like name, bases and mro are not slots in this sense, even though they have a tp_ prefix in CPython’s type object.


We recognise two kinds of competition in CPython.

  1. One method name, two slots (e.g. __getitem__ defining mp_subscript and sq_item).

  2. One slot, two or more methods (e.g. nb_add defined by __add__ and __radd__.).

The one-to-one scheme eliminates both kinds of conflict. Note that this doubles the number of slots occupied by every binary operation, since we need a distinct slot for the reflected version (op_radd as well as op_add, etc.). It means we have 6 slots in place of one tp_richcompare.

The total number of slots in Operations at the time of writing is 74. If the size penalty of the flattened scheme proves intolerable, it would be possible to roll back the flattening idea, but without re-introducing competition. A new two-level scheme could accommodate (for example) the approximately 40 purely numerical slots in their own sub-table. The effect would be invisible in the public API.

The one-to-one approach is obviously a feasible one and most of the abstract API was easily re-written to use it. The question is whether this approach somehow results in behaviour different from CPython and incorrect.

7.3.4. Potentially Problematic Slots in CPython

The purpose of this section is to go through all the slots in a CPython type object that are not one-to-one with a special method. Such slots might be a problem for the One-to-One Principle, either because our simplification leads to a different behaviour, or because code in CPython that uses the slot, for example when implementing the abstract API, becomes more difficult to port. We expect, in fact, that the code will become clearer in most cases.

Slots not a Problem

The slots for many unary numerical operations, and some slots that have relatively complex signatures (like __call__) are one-to-one a single special method. We still have to get a couple of things right.

When the special method is defined in Python, the descriptor for it is a general callable. It should be possible to create a MethodHandle with the right signature for the slot that calls the descriptor with those arguments. If the alleged special method is defined incorrectly, it blames the caller when invoked:

>>> class C(int):
...     def __neg__(self, u):
...         return u - self
>>> -C(43)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#19>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: C.__neg__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'u'

When the special method is defined in Java, the exposure process derives a MethodHandle directly for the defining method, and a descriptor that wraps it for the dictionary of the type. Note that the slot can safely contain that handle only if the described method is applicable to the implementation. If a method has the name of a special method but the wrong signature, it is not recognised as a definition.

Binary Operations

For each binary operation OP the data model defines two special methods with signature __OP__(self, right) and __rOP__(self, left), but CPython has them compete for the same slot in a type object. For example, when calling either __sub__ or __rsub__ on a float, CPython delivers arguments to this function in floatobject.c:

static PyObject *
float_sub(PyObject *v, PyObject *w)
    double a,b;
    a = a - b;
    return PyFloat_FromDouble(a);

This will happen most frequently in an expression like 5 - 0.7, where the abstract API PyNumber_Subtract tries the equivalent of int.__sub__(5, 0.7) first, then the equivalent of float.__rsub__(0.7, 5), which becomes the call float_sub(5, 0.7).

When we call self.__rsub__(left) in Python (a less frequent case than evaluating an expression) the wrapper descriptor swaps the arguments so that it calls float_sub(left, self). See wrap_binaryfunc_r in typeobject.c.

Because of the competition and the swapping of arguments, the slot functions for the binary operations of built-in types in CPython are not guaranteed the type of either argument: they must test and convert the type of both. In floatobject.c the conversion macro is CONVERT_TO_DOUBLE. An early return is hidden inside the macro and returns Py_NotImplemented from the function if conversion fails.

When methods are defined in Python, CPython must fill the type slot with a slot_nb_subtract function (see the SLOT1BIN macro in typeobject.c), that will try to dispatch __sub__ and __rsub__, looking them up by name on the respective left and right objects presented. This is necessary, it seems, even though PyNumber_Subtract already contains very similar logic.

We will follow Jython 2 in making __OP__ and __rOP__ separate slots. Sticking with the example of float subtraction, the Java implementation consists of two methods __sub__ and __rsub__, which for the Double realisation of float look like this:

class PyFloatMethods {
    // ...
    static Object __sub__(Double v, Object w) {
        try {
            return v - toDouble(w);
        } catch (NoConversion e) {
            return Py.NotImplemented;

    static Object __rsub__(Double w, Object v) {
        try {
            return toDouble(v) - w;
        } catch (NoConversion e) {
            return Py.NotImplemented;

In a Java built-in we take advantage of the known type of self to avoid the conversion. Here that is toDouble, which throws NoConversion if it cannot convert its argument.

There is an Operations object for Double and one for PyFloat, since these are the two implementations of float, each containing slots op_sub and op_rsub. Each slot is set during type construction to the handle of the corresponding Java implementation method.

We have implemented this successfully for binary operations in several built-in types defined in Java (but not types defined in Python).


In CPython:

  • tp_richcompare defines __lt__, __le__, __eq__, __ne__, __gt__ and __ge__.

  • When defined in C, a single function with signature PyObject *(*richcmpfunc) (PyObject *, PyObject *, int) implements all six forms and fills the slot tp_richcompare. The third parameter communicates which comparison to perform.

  • Calling any of these slot wrapper descriptors from Python leads eventually to tp_richcompare with a specific third argument. For example, x.__le__(y) actually wraps richcmp_le(x, y) which calls tp_richcompare(x, y, Py_LE).

  • When any of the methods is defined in Python the type slot will contain slot_tp_richcompare, which finds the descriptor corresponding to the third argument. If the particular special method is not overridden in Python, this descriptor is for an inherited implementation.

  • In the byte code interpreter, a single COMPARE_OP opcode covers the six comparisons, and also is, is not, in, not in, and exception matching to support try-except.

  • The abstract API includes PyObject_RichCompare and PyObject_RichCompareBool that wrap this slot and take the (comparison) operation as an argument.

The relationship of tp_richcompare to the implementing methods, and the extension of COMPARE_OP beyond that slot’s range, are somewhat unlike other cases but present no absolute difficulty. The One-to-One Principle leads us to:

  • Define for a type implemented in Java each of __lt__, __le__, __eq__, __ne__, __gt__ and __ge__. If the trade seems good for some type, we may easily create these methods as a wrapper on a 3-way comparison.

  • Define a type slot for each comparison named op_lt, op_le, op_eq, op_ne, op_gt and op_ge, and fill them by the usual rule.

  • Define a type slot for __contains__ named op_contains.

  • Implement COMPARE_OP to invoke one of the comparison type slots, op_contains (for in and not in), object equality (for is and is not), or exeception matching, after the pattern in CPython ceval.c.

At the time of this writing we have implemented this successfully, except for exception matching.

__getattribute__ and __getattr__

Two data model methods combine in the abstract API to produce the required semantics.

In CPython:

  • __getattribute__ and __getattr__ compete to define apparently competing slots tp_getattro and tp_getattr.

  • The abstract API PyObject_GetAttr calls the slot tp_getattro first and tp_getattr only if that is unsuccessful.

  • These methods and slots are handled as a special case in type construction, unlike other slots where the process is driven by the slotdefs[] table alone.

  • When attribute access is overridden in Python, the slot dispatch function slot_tp_getattr_hook tries __getattribute__ first and __getattr__ only if that fails, similarly to the abstract API.

  • slot_tp_getattr_hook replaces itself with a simplified version calling only __getattribute__ if __getattr__ is not defined.

Generally, there is a lot of optimisation in attribute access.

Our approach in Java is to look past these optimisations and expose the methods uniformly. op_getattribute is a handle to __getattribute__, op_getattr is a handle to __getattr__. This design removes the apparent competition in CPython to define the type slots. We assume the entanglement of the two type slots is a side effect of the optimisations, rather than necessary to semantics we should reproduce.

In the abstract API, we try the type slots in the order the Python Data Model specifies for the data model methods. We can add optimisations suitable to Java later if needed.

It is rare for a built-in to implement __getattr__, however, the expected behaviour of __getattribute__ is quite complex. Attribute access is amply discussed in its own chapter Access to Attributes.

Recurring Pattern in Slot Competition

In a survey of all type slots we find a pattern often recurs:

  • There two type slots s and t with similar purpose (for example nb_add and sq_concat) but they may belong to different protocols. (In this example they are the number protocol and the sequence protocol.)

  • There is one method m in the data model that corresponds to both in the slotdefs[] table. (In the example __add__ labels both nb_add and sq_concat.)

  • There is an abstract API function S that implements a source construct or opcode in ceval.c. (For example PyNumber_Add implements addition by supporting the BINARY_OP (+) opcode.)

  • There may be an alternate abstract API function T, or more than one, with slightly different behaviour or argument types, for the convenience of those implementing CPython or C extensions. The alternates do not generally implement a source construct or opcode. (For example PySequence_Concat is not used in ceval.c.)

The behaviour of CPython is then:

  • When either type slot is filled by a function defined in C, that type slot defines m through a slot wrapper descriptor, based on a wrap_* function.

  • When both s and t are filled, one (s say) takes precedence, by appearing first in the slotdefs[] table. (For example, nb_add takes precedence over sq_concat in defining __add__.)

  • When m is defined in Python, only s is filled with a pointer to a slot_* function referencing m. No data model method fills t: it is empty in types defined in Python. (When __add__ is defined for a type in Python, it fills nb_add but sq_concat is empty.)

  • The abstract API function S calls slot s, if it is filled, and then it tries t. (For example, PyNumber_Add tries nb_add before sq_concat.) Either slot may provide the behaviour but the API function tries them in the same order of precedence by which they define m.

  • If an alternate abstract API function T exists, it may differ in that it calls slot t, if it is filled, then tries s. (For example, sq_concat precedes nb_add in PySequence_Concat.) Again, either slot may provide the behaviour.

We could say in brief that a type defined in C fills one of the slots s and t that compete to define m. The abstract API S calls whichever one is filled. A type defined in Python defines m and CPython inserts it at s (only).

Here is a table of the instances that fit the pattern, to which we expect to apply the generic single-slot solution in Jython. Type slot names are those in CPython.

Competing type slots with a single Data Model method


Other slot

Data model

Abstract API

Alternate API













































In all of these cases, a single type slot is enough to capture the critical relationship between the method in the Python Data Model and the source construct. E.g. the data model states that __add__ and __radd__ implement the operation +, and that __getitem__ defines the result of d["spam"] and "hello"[:4].

Effectively in Jython we have only the slots in column s, where the slot is renamed to match the data model method name. There is no need for logic in the abstract API to choose between two slots when we call these methods from the word code interpreter. The same slot is filled with a handle to the identically-named method whether defined in Python or Java.

This pattern applies where slots exist that are effectively alternate expressions of the same data model method. Other API methods consult multiple type slots, as in __getattribute__ and __getattr__, because of Python behaviour specified to involve more than one data model method.

Not everything about these slot pairs is fully described by this pattern. It is worth visiting these cases for their remaining idiosyncrasies.

__set*__ and __del*__

In CPython:

  • __setattr__ and __delattr__ compete to define slot tp_setattro.

  • tp_setattr is deprecated.

  • __setitem__ and __delitem__ compete to define slot mp_ass_subscript only.

  • __set__ and __delete__ (on a descriptor) compete to define tp_descr_set.

  • The competition is resolved in CPython by the convention that a value of NULL is a request for deletion.

    • A wrapper function exposed as __del*__ calls tp_set* with a NULL value to set.

    • A slot_tp_set* dispatcher calls either __set*__ or __del*__ according to the nullity of its value argument.

Where pairs of data model methods (e.g. __setattr__ and __delattr__) compete to define each type slot from Python, there is no ambiguity since the NULL-argument convention identifies the correct method. Where there is also more than one type slot involved, the Recurring Pattern in Slot Competition applies, extended by this convention.

In Jython, the One-to-One Principle makes the NULL-argument convention unnecessary, since we always know whether we are setting or deleting. We must take care to make the distinction where code adapted from CPython may be covering both possibilities without mentioning it in comments.

sq_concat and nb_add

These slots match the Recurring Pattern in Slot Competition, except that since __add__ is a binary operation, we should also consider how the reflected operation __radd__ is involved.

Under the One-to-One Principle, we create op_add and op_radd, from __add__ and __radd__ respectively, whether they are defined in Java or in Python. When we call Abstract API PyNumber.add, it makes the choice between op_add and op_radd with the semantics defined by Python.

In CPython, when we call PyNumber_Add, it tries nb_add and then sq_concat as we have described. In some combinations of types, this means it tries nb_add on the left and right operands, and then sq_concat on the left and right operands. For these combinations of types, this arbitrarily places __radd__ in the right operand (in slot nb_add) ahead of __add__ in the left (in slot sq_concat), contrary to the semantics of Python. It gives rise to the Bug involving Arithmetic and Sequence Slots in CPython.

Jython will differ subtly from CPython because of this. Unfortunately, some code in widespread use incorrectly relies on this buggy behaviour.

sq_repeat, nb_multiply

The situation is an exact counterpart to sq_concat and nb_add, but with multiplication and repetition as subject operations in place of addition and concatenation.

Here again the Bug involving Arithmetic and Sequence Slots in CPython is a problem.

sq_inplace_concat and nb_inplace_add

The situation is quite like that for sq_concat and nb_add. The slots match the Recurring Pattern in Slot Competition, except that in-place operations in the abstract API fall back to their binary counterparts, which in turn consult left and right arguments.

In CPython:

  • Abstract API PyNumber_InPlaceAdd tries nb_inplace_add on the left argument, then falls back to nb_add on left and right arguments. If these return NotImplemented, it then tries sq_inplace_concat and sq_concat on the left.

  • The alternate abstract API PySequence_InPlaceConcat begins with the concatenation part of this logic (in-place and binary on the left) and then tries the addition (in-place and binary left and right).

We observe that PyNumber_InPlaceAdd goes prematurely to the right operand’s nb_add, before the left’s sq_inplace_concat and sq_concat. It reproduces a version of the Bug involving Arithmetic and Sequence Slots in CPython.

The One-to-One Principle leads us to the following in Jython:

  • __iadd__ defines op_iadd.

  • PyNumber.inPlaceAdd calls op_iadd, op_add and op_radd. This puts the data model method calls in the correct order.

sq_inplace_repeat and nb_inplace_mul

The situation is an exact counterpart to sq_inplace_concat and nb_inplace_add, but with multiplication and repetition as subjects operations, in place of addition and concatenation.

This similarity includes the Bug involving Arithmetic and Sequence Slots in CPython.

Bug involving Arithmetic and Sequence Slots in CPython

We have referenced several times an operand precedence bug in CPython where a binary operation (a special method pair) defines multiple slots. In practice the affected methods are:

  • __add__ and __radd__, which fill nb_add and may wrap sq_concat.

  • __mul__ and __rmul__. which fill nb_multiply and may wrap sq_repeat.

  • in-place variants of these operators (__iadd__, __imul__, __radd__, __rmul__), which have their own slots and fall back to the affected binary operations.

The effect is exhibited when we use the corresponding operators in program text (+, *, +=, *=), implemented through the abstract object API. A discussion of the operand precedence bug identifies the root of the problem as the way the abstract implementation of the binary operation tries to treat both arguments as numeric first and as sequences second.

Taking addition as the example, when we call PyNumber_Add, CPython tries nb_add on the left and right operands and then sq_concat on the left and right operands. When the left operand type fills sq_concat (it must be a built-in), but the right operand type fills nb_add (it could be in Python), this arbitrarily places __radd__ in the right operand ahead of __add__ in the left, contrary to the semantics of Python.

A simple illustration is:

>>> class C(tuple):
...     def __radd__(w, v):
...         return 42
>>> [1,] + C((2,3,4))

In fact there is a list.__add__, and it raises a TypeError on any right argument that is not a list. The C implementation stores it in the sq_concat slot, which is not tried until after the nb_add of C, leading to a call of C.__radd__. (Note that C is not a sub-class of list.)

Several downstream libraries depend on this bug, relying on the (faulty) ordering to get their nb_add or nb_multiply called first. This is only possible in the C implementation of their objects. (PyPy has deliberately reproduced the buggy behaviour so that it can support these C extensions.)

In Jython, the the One-to-One Principle leads us to have a single pair of op_add and op_radd slots, where we try op_add on the left first. We therefore have “a proper 1-1 relationship between syntax operators and methods, as there is for Python-coded classes” and correct Python semantics.

7.3.5. Initialisation of Slots


This section was in Object Implementation. It needs refreshing from chapter Operations on Built-in Types (or somewhere) and corresponding development of slots from Python types when the work and its narrative are available.

We may not need a blow-by-blow account of the actions of the Exposers. What is enough for architecture, after which the code for the time being can speak for itself?

From Definitions in Java

We have established a pattern in rt2 (evo2 onwards) whereby each PyType contains named MethodHandle fields, pointing to the implementation of the “slot methods” for that type. The design, using a system of Java enums denoting the slots, has worked smoothly in the definition of a wide range of slot types.

The handle in a given slot has to have a signature characteristic of the slot.

Where a slot defined in a type corresponds to a special method, in the way for example nb_negative corresponds to __neg__, a callable that wraps an invocation of that slot will be created in the dictionary of the type. This makes it an attribute of the type. Instances of it appear to have a “bound” version of the attribute, that we may tentatively equate to a Curried MethodHandle.

>>> int.__neg__
<slot wrapper '__neg__' of 'int' objects>
>>> int.__dict__['__neg__']
<slot wrapper '__neg__' of 'int' objects>
>>> (42).__neg__
<method-wrapper '__neg__' of int object at 0x00007FF8E0CD9BC0>

If the slot is inherited, it is sufficient that the method be an attribute by inheritance.

>>> bool.__neg__
<slot wrapper '__neg__' of 'int' objects>
>>> bool.__dict__['__neg__']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: '__neg__'
>>> class MyInt(int): pass
>>> MyInt.__neg__
<slot wrapper '__neg__' of 'int' objects>
>>> MyInt.__dict__['__neg__']
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: '__neg__'
>>> m = MyInt(10)
>>> -m

In the last operation, -m invokes the slot nb_negative in the type of m, which is a copy of the one in int. This happens without a dictionary look-up.

From Instance Methods [untested]

In implementations up to evo3, the methods are static members of the implementation class of the type, or of a Java super-type, with a signature correct for the slot. They could, without a significant change to the framework, be made instance methods of that class.

We took a step towards instance methods in evo3, when it became possible for an argument to the slot method to adapt to the implementing type. The method handle in slot nb_negative has MethodType (O)O as it must, but the implementing method has signature (S)O, where S is the implementing type (the type of self). This is dealt with by a cast in the method handle, which is neater than doing so in the implementation.

An exception to that pattern occurs with binary operations, since although at least one of the operands has the target type, or that implementation would not have been called, it may be on the left or the right. As a result, the implementation (in CPython) must coerce both arguments.

Binary operations could be split into two slots (nb_add and nb_radd, say), guaranteeing the type of the target. The split is necessary if we choose to make the slots instance methods. In the instance method for nb_radd, the right-hand argument of + becomes the target of the call, therefore the left-hand argument of the signature (S,O)O. We see this also in the (otherwise quite different) Jython 2 approach to slot methods.

From Definitions in Python [untested]

A function defined in a class becomes a method of that class, that is, it creates a method descriptor in the dictionary of the type. This is true irrespective of the number or the names of the arguments. We consider here how methods with the reserved names __neg__, __add__, and so on, can be made to satisfy the type slots as the Python data model requires.

We saw in the previous section how the definition of a slot induced the existence of a callable attribute, a wrapper method on the slot that implements the basic operations, and that this attribute was inherited by sub-classes:

>>> class MyInt(int): pass
>>> MyInt.__neg__
<slot wrapper '__neg__' of 'int' objects>
>>> m = MyInt(10)
>>> -m

Overriding __neg__ changes this behaviour, because assignment to a special method in a type assigns the slot as well. Note that, although these methods are usually defined with the class, they may be assigned after the type has been created, and the change affects existing objects of that type.

>>> MyInt.__neg__ = lambda v: 42
>>> -m
>>> MyInt.__neg__
<function <lambda> at 0x000001C97118EA60>
>>> MyInt.__dict__['__neg__']
<function <lambda> at 0x000001C97118EA60>

The implementation of attribute assignment in type must be specialised to check for these special names. It must insert into the slot (nb_negative in the example) a MethodHandle that will call the PyFunction being inserted at __neg__.

CPython ensures that a change of definition is visible from types down the inheritance hierarchy from the one modified, so that the behaviour of classes inheriting this method follows the change.

>>> class MyInt2(MyInt): pass
>>> m2 = MyInt2(100)
>>> -m2
>>> MyInt.__neg__ = lambda v: 53
>>> -m2

This fluidity limits the gains available from binding a handle to a call site. A call site capable of binding a method handle (even one guarded by the Python type of the target) must still consult the slot because it may have changed by this mechanism. A call site may bind the actual value found in a slot only if that is immutable or it becomes an “observer” of changes coming from the type hierarchy, potentially to be invalidated by a change (see SwitchPoint). The cost of invalidation is quite high, but applications do not often have to redefine a slot.

Some types, generally built-in types, do not allow (re)definition of special methods, even by manipulating the dictionary of the type.

>>> int.__neg__ = lambda v: 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: can't set attributes of built-in/extension type 'int'
>>> int.__dict__['__neg__'] = lambda x: 42
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: 'mappingproxy' object does not support item assignment

A call site that binds the value from a slot in such a type does not need to become an observer of the type, since no change will ever be notified.

Inheritance of Slots [untested]

The following is an understanding of the CPython implementation. (Certain slots have to be given special treatment, but for most operations, the account here is accurate.) The behavioural outcome must be the same for all implementations, and having decided on a Java implementation that uses slots, the mechanics would have to be similar.

When a new type is defined, a slot will be filled, by default, by inheritance along the MRO. This does not happen directly by copying, but indirectly through the normal rules of class attribute inheritance, then the insertion of a handle for the slot method. These are the same rules under which requested x.__add__, say, will be sought along the MRO of type(x).

If the inherited attribute, where found, is a wrapper on a slot, certain coherence criteria are met, and there are no additional complexities the wrapped slot may be copied to the new type directly. (It is unclear from comments in CPython ~/Objects/typeobject.c update_one_slot() exactly what “complex thinking” the code is doing. This is the bit of CPython that offers free-as-in-beer … beer.)

If the inherited attribute is a method defined in Python, the slot in the new class will be an invoker for the method, identified by its name. Each call involves searching for the definition again along the MRO. (Search along the MRO is backed by a cache, in CPython, mitigating the obvious slowness.)

When a special method is re-defined in a type, affected slots in the sub-types of that type are re-computed. This is why a re-definition is visible in derived types.