7.1. Java Object as Python object

This candidate implementation of Jython 3 differs perhaps most fundamentally from Jython 2 in treating any Java object directly as a Python object. In Jython 2, every object the interpreter handles is a PyObject: those that appear to be actual Java objects in Python are proxies for the claimed objects.

At the time of writing, we can say that this makes some things easier and others more difficult. As yet there are no show-stopping difficulties.

7.1.1. Motivations

The motivation for the “plain object” pattern is to engage features of modern Java intended to support dynamic language implementation, and maximally to exploit the performance they offer. Particular thoughts are:

  1. Guidance supporting the launch of invokedynamic was to use Java types (java.lang.Object) rather than create a base type for the language (PyObject).

  2. Insisting on a PyObject base or interface for every object necessitates a proxy for any object that isn’t a PyObject, which adds indirection to calls and complexity in handling identity.

  3. We expect that the JVM will optimise code that uses the native boxed primitives, better than objects we devise ouselves. The compiler itself mixes these boxed types freely with primitives. The plain object approach allows us to adopt Java boxed types as implementations of built-in Python types. For example a java.lang.Integer is adopted as a Python int and java.lang.Double as float.

Early experiments with arithmetic operations have confirmed that the hoped for optimisation can occur. The technique produced some small gains over Jython 2. (Jython 2 itself is well optimised in the same circumstances.)

7.1.2. Essential Idea

We have to explain how the run-time Python interpreter can give Python semantics to objects on its stack, that themselves may know nothing about Python.

In Jython 2, PyObject is a fat base class defining all the methods the interpreter might need, which specific types of Python object redefine. Every object the Jython 2 interpreter handles must be “Python aware”. Pre-existing and other Python-unaware classes must be handled via a proxy that is a PyObject.

We are seeking a solution in which the object is handled directly and its Python character is supplied by another object we can reach quickly when we need it. That other object is the Java Class, which will hold the extra information in a ClassValue.

Solution Architecture

Python places object behaviour in the Python type of the object, so the problem becomes how to find that from an instance: to find the type object int, for example, from a java.lang.Integer. Our solution is to use a ClassValue to map each Java Class to an Operations object, which can then determine the Python type (PyType) of the object.

class Object {
Object -right-> Class

abstract class Explicit
abstract class Implicit

Object <|--- Explicit
Object <|-- Implicit

abstract class Operations {
    {abstract} type(o)
Class -right-> Operations

class PyType
Operations <|-- PyType
Explicit -right-> PyType : type

class AdoptedOps
Operations <|-- AdoptedOps
AdoptedOps "*" -- "1" PyType

class DerivedOps
Operations <|-- DerivedOps
DerivedOps "1" ..> "*" PyType

Plain Java Object Pattern

Why do we not simply map the Java class to the type in one step? For some Java classes, the Class is enough to determine the type. In others, including all those where the Python type may be changed, the type must be a property of the object itself, and all instances of the interchangeable classes must have the same Java class. For this reason, PyType Operations.type(Object) takes the object instance as an argument.

The classes Explicit and Implicit are not real classes in the implementation. Rather Explicit represents any object implementation that explicitly designates a type object, while Implicit represents a Java object where the Python type is implicit in the Java class.

In the implicit case, the Operations object that we reach may itself be the PyType representing a Python type object. If the Java class is one of several implementations of a Python type, in the way that PyLong and Integer are both Python ints, each must have its own instance of Operations. One will be the actual PyType, while the others are (sub-classes of) Operations from which the actual type is determined.

In the explicit case, one Java class may have to implement many distinct Python types, and in that case the Operations object is just a trampoline to get us the actual type by reading the object.

The Operations object as a method cache

As we have remarked, the behaviour of an object is expressed in its Python type. This behaviour is codified (substantially) in the descriptors found in the dictionary of the type. For example, if the interpreter needs to add an int and any other value, int.__add__ (a descriptor in the dictionary of the type int) contains the mechanism. This is a central part of the language and must be the same in Jython.

In CPython, the descriptor int.__add__ invokes long_add, the function in C that actually implements the addition. If the target is a user-defined class MyInt rather than int, and MyInt defines a method __add__(self, other), then the descriptor invokes that.

What we describe is at least the surface appearance. Beneath the surface of CPython, a type object is provided with pointers to the C functions most commonly needed by the interpreter. For example, there is an nb_add “slot” that the interpreter calls when it needs addition. It goes directly rather than via the descriptor. The nb_add slot of an int is set to long_add by static initialisation in the source code, while the descriptor is a wrapper (created later) that takes its value from there. Conversely, the nb_add slot of the type object MyInt contains the opposite kind of wrapper: the descriptor comes first and the slot contains a function to invoke it.

We do not have to reproduce the CPython patterns beneath the surface of Jython, but we find in them a useful set of concepts from which to start.

We have the Java MethodHandle available as the equivalent of the C function pointer. This is the obvious way to define type object “slots”, if we do not approach methods exclusively via their descriptors. (Jython 2 did not have this possibility when designed.) However, we do not have to define slots at all, or could choose different ones.

MethodHandle will figure prominently when we use invokedynamic in code compiled to Java byte code. As we need to interpret Python byte code too, we will define slots similar to those in CPython, so that we can follow similar logic in the implementation.

Note however that we must provide each operation for each implementation of the given type, so that the self argument has the correct Java type. Descriptors must therefore contain a handle corresponding to each implementation class. When we embed these handles in the type object, we actually place them in the Operations object corresponding to the Java class of the implementation.

The broad classes of object

We shall have to support five broad categories of Java class in relation to this model. A Java class may be:

  1. the crafted implementation of a Python type.

  2. an adopted implementation of a Python type.

  3. the crafted base for Python sub-classes of a Python type.

  4. a found Java type.

  5. the crafted base of Python sub-classes of a found Java type.

By crafted we mean that the class was written with the intention of implementing a Python type. Normally there will be one Java class for a given Python type, known as the “canonical implementation”. It will create a PyType from a specification during static initialisation. (The PyType is also the Operations object for the class.) Instances of the Java class are instances of the Python type, or of a sub-type, and reference their specific type as an instance member. The attributes the type exposes to Python will be specified by a combination of static data, annotations on methods and methods with reserved names.

By adopted we mean that although we had no opportunity to craft the class as a Python object, instances of that class will be accepted in the interpreter as instances of a particular Python type. The methods that define the Python behaviour of an adopted implementation may be be defined in the canonical implementation of the type in question. That class will declare the adoption when it specifies the PyType. Each adopted Java class will be mapped to an AdoptedOps object, that leads to the particular PyType it implements.

For example, java.lang.Integer is adopted as an implementation of int, as is java.math.BigInteger. These are given Python behaviour by methods in PyInteger and related classes. PyInteger adopts java.lang.Integer and java.math.BigInteger when it specifies the type int during its static initialisation. PyInteger is the canonical implementation of int, that is, the Java class from which implementations of the Python sub-classes of int are derived.

All other Java classes are found types, to be exposed to Python according to Java conventions. An Operations object, that is a PyType, will be created as each such type is encountered. There is a potential race hazard here: during initialisation of the run-time we must ensure that all adoptions take place before the same class may be found by another route.

The “crafted base of Python sub-classes of a found Java type” is a crafted object that results from extending a found type in Python. This is the result of mentioning an imported Java class amongst the bases in a Python class definition. (We expect to do this dynamically at run-time. This feature may be unavailable in environments that restrict the definition of classes dynamically.)

In the rest of this section, we illustrate the main possibilities offered by this object model through a series of instance diagrams.

7.1.3. Canonical Implementation

In the simplest case, there is only one implementation class, that has been crafted to represent one Python type, where the association of an instance to the type cannot be changed, i.e. the __class__ attribute may not be written. The built-in type bytes makes a good example.

Example of len(b'abc')

We’ll consider how a call is made on bytes.__len__, which is implemented in Java by PyBytes.__len__.

object "b'abc' : PyBytes" as x
object "PyBytes : Class" as PyBytes.class
object "bytes : PyType" as bytes
object " : MethodHandle" as mh {
    method = __len__
    type = (Object)int
bytes --> bytes : type
bytes --> mh : op_len
mh --> PyBytes.class : target

x -up-> PyBytes.class : <<class>>
PyBytes.class -right-> bytes : ops

bytes has a single implementation class

In this case, the Operations object is itself the PyType. How this mapping is created, and how the method handle is formed around PyBytes.__len__(), is a long story. For the time being, the reader should accept that these structures have been set up.

Suppose that, in the context of this object structure, some program needs to ask the length (size) of x = b'abc'. The program calls the len() built-in function, which must find and call __len__ as defined for bytes.

Abstract API

The design for using the special method slots follows that of CPython. There is an abstract object API that wraps invocations of the method handles in error-handling and other logic. For us, the implementation is through static methods in class Abstract. The wrapping of __len__ looks like this:

public class Abstract {
// ...
    // Compare CPython PyObject_Size in abstract.c
    static int size(Object o) throws Throwable {
        try {
            return (int)Operations.of(o).op_len.invokeExact(o);
        } catch (Slot.EmptyException e) {
            throw typeError(HAS_NO_LEN, o);
// ...

The implementation only has to look up the operations object for the argument o, and invoke the method handle found in the particular slot. Slots that are “empty”, meaning that the corresponding special method is not defined, are not null, but contain a handle to a method that throws the EmptyException. That way, we need not look before we leap, and the error-handling logic may be kept out of the main path.

Our slots are named op_something, where the corresponding method is named __something__. This is more regular than CPython and we do not have quite the same ones. They have package-private visibility. We use invokeExact so that Java does not waste time on type coercion with Java semantics.

Slots must be invoked with the correct number and type of arguments, and with the correct expected return type (here expressed in the cast to int). This correctness is a run-time check in invokeExact, but when we form call sites, correctness is guaranteed when binding the target method. The allowable signature for each slot is defined by enum Slot, which also provides some services for manipulating them.

Sequence of calls

A call to Abstract.size() on a Python bytes proceeds like this:

hide footbox

boundary "len()" as prog
control "Abstract" as api
participant "Operations" as ops
participant "bytes : PyType" as bytes
participant "mh : MethodHandle\n = PyBytes.~__len__" as mh
participant "x : PyBytes\n = b'abc'" as x

prog -> api ++ : size(x)
    api -> ops ++ : of(x)
        ops -> x ++ : getClass()
            return PyBytes.class
        ops -> ops ++ : fromClass(PyBytes.class)
            return bytes
        return bytes
    api -> bytes ++ : .op_len
        return mh
    api -> mh ++ : invokeExact(x)
        mh -> x ++ : ~__len__()
            return 3
        return 3
    return 3
prog -> prog : Integer.valueOf(3)

Operations provides a static Operations.of(), where we consult the ClassValue that maps to the Operations object for PyBytes. In this case, the return happens also to be the type object bytes itself.

The signature of Abstract.size, specified by Signature.LEN (to which any Operations.op_len must conform) requires it to return a primitive Java int. len() must return a Python object, so there is a final step in which we wrap the result as a java.lang.Integer. Java will do this implicitly in most circumstances.

Mutable Type

The attributes of an object, that are defined on the type, are provided in the type’s dictionary. The structure allows for modifying attribute entries just as in CPython and for preventing modification, according to rules the type imposes.

A PyType controls the modifications to its dictionary, and may prevent certain changes or recognise the need for follow-up actions. A type that allows redefinition of special methods, is thereby able to update the slots in the type that are caches (MethodHandles, in fact) for those definitions.

Inheritance in Python from a Built-in

Suppose that C is implemented by a Java class K, and B, in the MRO of C, is implemented by a Java class J. We wish to allow instance methods of B to be defined in Java and to be declared as instance methods of J, as Object m(...). Or we may opt for a type-safe static Object m(J self, ...).

Methods of B must be applicable to instances of C, because it is a sub-class. The methods of J must therefore be applicable to instances of K. As J and K are classes (not interfaces), it follows that K must be a Java sub-class of J, either a proper sub-class or identical with J itself.

This establishes a constraint on acceptable MROs. We claim this is no more restrictive than the CPython “layout constraint”, and will allows us all the cases available in CPython.

We will extend this logic when we consider multiple implementations. For now, consider that J is a unique, crafted, canonical implementation.

When we derive a new Python type C from a built-in type T, with canonical implementation class J, the instances of C are implemented by a Java class J.Derived, that is a sub-class in Java of J. All Python sub-classes of C will also be implemented by J.Derived. When C has multiple bases in Python, they must all be implemented by J.Derived or its ancestors.

Example Sub-classing bytes

Having considered a general case, let’s see Java supporting inheritance from a canonical base. Imagine making some sub-classes of bytes:

>>> class B(bytes) : pass
>>> class C(B) : pass
>>> C.__mro__
(<class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class 'bytes'>,
    <class 'object'>)

The Python bytes object (a PyBytes instance) establishes its type in the way we have already seen, but here we also show its ancestry in object, and provide it with descendants.

The MRO may be seen running up the right-hand side of the following diagram. The hierarchy of Java classes is shorter than the MRO, beginning in PyBytes.Derived, at which point instances of B and C have to differentiate their types by means of a field each instance will hold.

' The most base class ;) ----------------------------
object "Object : Class" as jlo.class
object "object : PyType" as obj
obj --> obj : type

jlo.class -right-> obj : ops

' The built in --------------------------------------
object "b'abc' : PyBytes" as x
object "PyBytes : Class" as PyBytes.class
PyBytes.class -up-> jlo.class : <<super>>
object "bytes : PyType" as bytes
bytes --> bytes : type
bytes -up-> obj : base

x -right-> PyBytes.class : <<class>>
PyBytes.class -right-> bytes : ops

' Derived Java class--------------------------------
object "PyBytes.Derived : Class" as BD.class
BD.class -up-> PyBytes.class : <<super>>
' object " : DerivedOps" as BD.ops
' BD.class --> BD.ops : ops

' Sub-class B --------------------------------------
object "b'abcdef' : PyBytes.Derived" as b
object "B : PyType" as B
B -up-> bytes : base
b -right-> BD.class : <<class>>
b -right-> B : type

' Sub-class C --------------------------------------
object "b'xyz' : PyBytes.Derived" as c
object "C : PyType" as C
C -up-> B : base
c -up-> BD.class : <<class>>
c -right-> C : type

B is a Python sub-class of bytes, and C of B

The PyBytes.Derived class in the picture is distinct from the PyBytes class, and has its own Operations object (not shown for layout reasons). This Operations object, however, does not uniquely identify a PyType. Rather, the object itself does so, and the implementation of Operations.type(Object) for derived classes will interrogate the object, which is passed as the argument. This leads to the actual type, and therefore the definitions of the methods stored on that type.

Method handles cached on such an object will embed the same dereference step.

Variable Type

In general, it is possible to re-assign the __class__ attribute in an instance of a Python sub-class. A Java implementation must therefore provide for it, even though particular PyTypes may disallow it. It will be evident from the preceding section that making the object type a field of the JT.Derived makes this possible in the case of types with a built-in ancestor of this pattern.

At present in CPython, built-in types do not allow assignment to __class__ (except accidentally as a bug). This is an artificial correspondence that could change in future. If we needed to allow assignment in a built-in type, it would only be necessary to implement the built-in in the same pattern we just illustrated.

7.1.4. Adopted Implementation

A simple example of the adopted implementation is available in float, which adopts Double as an implementation type alongside PyFloat.

object "1e42 : PyFloat" as x
object "PyFloat : Class" as PyFloat.class
object "float : PyType" as floatType

x -up-> PyFloat.class : <<class>>
PyFloat.class -right-> floatType : ops
floatType --> floatType : type

object "42.0 : Double" as y
object "Double : Class" as Double.class
object " : AdoptedOps" as yOps

y -up-> Double.class : <<class>>
Double.class -right-> yOps : ops
yOps -right-> floatType : type

float adopts Double as an implementation class

The canonical implementation class PyFloat has the PyType float as its Operations object, while Double has an AdoptedOps where the actual Python type is indicated by a field.

Example Sub-classing float

All the float objects we encounter in practice will be Double not PyFloat. There is really no need to create a PyFloat (it could be abstract). We need PyFloat only so that we can have Python sub-classes of float.

7.1.5. Found Java Type

A Found Type

Example Sub-classing a Found Type