7.2. Object Implementation


This section still partly reflects the VSJ2 PyObject approach, not the plain-Object perspective of VSJ3 we now think correct. This section is under edit into a definitive statement taking the plain-objects perspective of VSJ3.

This chapter describes how we implement the operations on Python objects corresponding to:

  • the special methods in the Python Data Model (such as __hash__ and __add__).

  • named methods defined for the type (such as str.replace and float.hex).

  • named attributes defined for the type (such as complex.real and types.FunctionType.__globals__).

We have most to write about types implemented in Java, since the mechanisms for types defined in Python are specified by the language. The process of finding these methods and fields and making them accessible from Python is called exposure.

7.2.1. Special Methods in Java

Special methods can customise the behaviour of objects involved in almost any construct we may encounter in Python source. Compiled code mostly invokes them through the abstract API and pointers detailed in the chapter on Type Slots.

Special methods define the operations needed:

  • to interpret byte code,

  • to support the abstract object API,

  • to implement the built-in functions in Java, and (quite likely)

  • to support the same operations compiled to JVM code.

Filling the Type Slots

Special methods defined in the Java implementation of an object take distinctive names selected from those defined in the Python Data Model. Their names in Java will be the same as they are in Python: __repr__, __hash__, __add__, __getattribute__, and so on.

The run-time exposure process finds them by reflection and treats them specially. The values in the enum Slot each describe a particular type slot: the name of the special method from which it is to be filled, and the Java MethodType of the slot it fills. Each special method defined in a given built-in type results in a slot wrapper descriptor in the dictionary of that type. The MethodHandle that fills the type slot is copied from that descriptor.

The sequence Slot.values() drives the search and finally the filling of the type slots. Note that this is the mirror image of the process in CPython, where the type slot is filled statically with a pointer to the implementing function, and type construction creates a descriptor for it.

The Java visibility of methods in an implementation class is places no restriction on exposure to Python. Each implementation class supplies a lookup object to PyType, granting access to its methods and fields during construction. It is quite possible to make methods and fields Java-private, and have them exposed to Python on our own terms.

A type may have multiple accepted implementations. It will have multiple Operations objects in its PyType. In that case, exposure still creates one slot wrapper descriptor for each special method, but each descriptor holds several method handles, covering the set of accepted implementations. These handles are then used to populate the matching slot in each Operations object.

Inheritance of Slots

Type slots receive handles from inherited special methods, not just those defined by the type being exposed, because the lookup of each Slot method name is made along the MRO. If a special method not defined at all, the slot is filled so that it throws an EmptyException when invoked.

In order that the inherited method handles be applicable to the inheriting type, the Java implementation of the inheriting type must be assignment compatible with the self argument of one of the handles in the inherited descriptor. Often this will be because the implementation of the inheriting type Java-extends the implementation of its Python base.

We may also meet this criterion if the inherited method is static and declares its self argument to be Object. This is the strategy we use to make methods from PyBaseObject, the class that defines Python object, applicable to any Java class.

A third way to meet it is that the implementation of the base explicitly provides implementations for the inheriting type. This option is only available if the specific inheritance is known in advance. We use it to support the inheritance of int methods into bool, even though the only implementation type of bool is java.lang.Boolean. Thus we find amongst the implementation methods of int:

class PyLongMethods {
    // ...
    static Object __int__(PyLong self) { return self.value; }
    static Object __int__(BigInteger self) { return self; }
    static Object __int__(Integer self) { return self; }
    static Object __int__(Boolean self) { return (self ? 1 : 0); }

This code is generated by java_object_gen.py using PyLong.py.

Example of tuple

Let us see this apparatus working for the type tuple. Here is a partial javap dump of PyTuple at the time of writing:

Compiled from "PyTuple.java"
public class PyTuple extends AbstractList<Object>
        implements CraftedPyObject {
  public static final PyType TYPE;
  final Object[] value;
  public <E> PyTuple(E...);
  PyTuple(Object[], int, int);
  static <E> PyTuple from(E[]);
  public PyType getType();
  private int __len__();
  private boolean __contains__(Object) throws Throwable;
  private Object __ne__(Object);
  private Object __eq__(Object);
  private Object __gt__(Object);
  private Object __ge__(Object);
  private Object __lt__(Object);
  private Object __le__(Object);
  private Object __add__(Object) throws Throwable;
  private Object __radd__(Object) throws Throwable;
  private Object __mul__(Object) throws Throwable;
  private Object __rmul__(Object) throws Throwable;
  private Object __getitem__(Object) throws Throwable;
  private int __hash__() throws Throwable;
  private Object __repr__();
  private Object __str__();

(Package prefixes have been elided from this and similar listings.)

We recognise some special method names that tuple defines: __len__, __add__, __hash__, etc.. We do not see definitions in PyTuple of the attribute access methods __getattribute__, __setattr__ and __delattr__, because tuple inherits them from object:

Compiled from "PyBaseObject.java"
public class PyBaseObject extends AbstractPyObject {
  public static final PyType TYPE;
  public PyBaseObject();
  static Object __repr__(Object);
  static Object __str__(Object);
  static Object __getattribute__(Object, String) throws Throwable;
  static void __setattr__(Object, String, Object) throws Throwable;
  static void __delattr__(Object, String) throws Throwable;
  public String toString();
  public PyType getType();

This inheritance in Python does not require Java inheritance. PyTuple does not Java-inherit from PyBaseObject.

Methods defined in tuple will be discovered by the type exposer, and descriptors for them posted to tuple.__dict__. This includes slot wrapper descriptors for the special methods of the data model defined by PyTuple, which contain a MethodHandle on the definition.

The methods are private instance methods because we do not expect to use them directly from Java. The methods could have been static, with a first argument of PyTuple self, but it is easier to write the implementations if they are instance methods.

public class PyTuple extends AbstractList<Object>
        implements CraftedPyObject {

    public static final PyType TYPE = PyType.fromSpec( //
            new Spec("tuple", MethodHandles.lookup()));
    // ...
    private int __len__() { return size(); }

    private boolean __contains__(Object o) throws Throwable {
        for (Object v : value) {
            if (Abstract.richCompareBool(v, o, Comparison.EQ)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private Object __ne__(Object o) {
        return delegate.cmp(o, Comparison.NE);
    // ...

Towards the end of type construction, type slots in the type object tuple are filled from the MethodHandle in the matching descriptor along the MRO. This is how tuple Python-inherits __getattribute__, __setattr__ and __delattr__ etc. from object.

7.2.2. Special Methods in Python

During the definition of a class in Python, the body of the class definition is executed in a way similar to the execution of a function body. This leaves behind a dictionary containing class members, including the definition of methods, and including special methods if any are defined.

Processing that dictionary creates the descriptors that make the entries attributes accessible in the correct way. In the case of special methods (defined in Python), this includes placing a handle in the corresponding type slots, able to call the function defined.

7.2.3. __new__ and Java Constructors


This is very VSJ 2 and needs updating. Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the proper approach to __new__ still needs some thought, in the narrative with a settled answer here.

In CPython, the tp_new slot of a particular instance of PyTypeObject, acts as the constructor for the type the PyTypeObject represents. This section gives detailed consideration to the problem of implementing its behaviour in Java.

A “second phase” of construction is performed by tp_init, but this has much the character of any other instance method. Although called once automatically, it may be called again expressly, if the programmer chooses. tp_new, however, is a static method called once per object, since creates a new instance each time.

Calling a type object (that is, invoking the tp_call slot of the PyTypeObject for type, and passing it the particular PyTypeObject for C as the target) is what normally leads to invoking the tp_new slot on the PyTypeObject for C, and tp_init soon after. An introduction to the topic, by Eli Bendersky, may be found in Python object creation sequence.

7.2.4. Relation of tp_new to the Java constructor

Close, but not close enough

It appears at first as if a satisfactory Java implementation of the slot function would be the constructor in the defining class. But a tp_new slot is inherited by copying, and many Python types simply get theirs from object. The definition of tp_new executed in response to a call C() could easily be in some ancestor A on the MRO of C. The Java constructor for A would only be satisfactory if the Java class implementing C were the same as that implementing A. This will not be true in general.

An instance must be created somehow, so a Java constructor must be invoked, but from the observation above, it isn’t enough simply to place a MethodHandle to the constructor in the tp_new slot, even if the signature is made to match.

__new__ and a parallel

In cases where C customises tp_new in Python (defines __new__), it is conventional for C.__new__ to call super(C, cls).__new__ before making its own customisations. This use of super means the interpreter should find __new__, in the MRO of cls, starting after C, and so the call is to the first ancestor of C defining it. Something equivalent must happen in a built-in or extension type.

Since each __new__ (or tp_new) defers immediately to an ancestor, the first customisation that completes is in the type of object. This is similar to the way in which Java constructors, explicitly or implicitly, first defer to their parent’s constructor. The ancestral line in Java traces itself all the way to Object, which is therefore the last constructor to start and first to complete.

Allocation before initialisation

Recall that the first argument in each tp_new slot invocation is the type of the target class C. The tp_new in the PyTypeObject for object in CPython invokes a slot on the target class we haven’t mentioned yet, tp_alloc. This allocates the right amount of memory for the target type C, in which the hierarchy of tp_new slot functions will incrementally construct an instance of C from the arguments, as they complete in reverse method-resolution order.

There is no parallel to the allocation step in Java source: one cannot allocate an object separate from initialising it, since an expression with the new keyword does both. There is a JVM opcode (new) that allocates an uninitialised object of the right size. The source-level new generates this, and an invokespecial for a target <init>()V method. Allocation must happen in Java where object creation is initiated, not in the tp_new of object as it can in CPython.

7.2.5. Examples guiding architectural choices

Example: extending a built-in

Consider the following where we derive classes from list and then manipulate the __class__ attribute of an instance. What Java classes would make this possible?

>>> class MyList(list): pass
>>> class MyList2(MyList): pass
>>> m2 = MyList2()
>>> m2.__class__ = MyList
>>> m2.__class__ = list
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __class__ assignment only supported for heap types or
    ModuleType subclasses

The very possibility of giving m2 the Python class MyList tells us that both must be implemented by the same Java class, since the Java class of an object cannot be altered. However, we were unable to give m2 the type list (a PyList in Java). This allows the implementation of MyList and MyList2 to be a distinct Java class from PyList.

It had better be derived from PyList so we can apply its methods to instances of the sub-classes. One thing we would have to add to this sub-class is a dictionary, since instances of MyList have one. Let’s call this class PyListDerived here, as in Jython 2. (In practice, an inner class of each built-in seems a tidy solution.)

In the following diagram, the Python classes in our example are connected to the Java classes that implement their instances.

skinparam class {
    BackgroundColor<<Python>> LightSkyBlue
    BorderColor<<Python>> Blue

object <<Python>>
list <<Python>>
MyList <<Python>>
MyList2 <<Python>>

MyList2 -|> MyList
MyList -|> list
list -|> object

class PyListDerived {
    dict : PyDictionary

PyListDerived -|> PyList
PyList -|> Object

MyList2 .. PyListDerived
MyList .. PyListDerived
list .. PyList

Extending a Python built-in

Example: extending with __slots__

Another possibility for sub-classing is to specify a __slots__ class attribute. This suppresses the instance dictionary that was automatic in the previous example. Instances are not class re-assignable from other derived types. Consider:

>>> class MyListXY(list):
...     __slots__ = ('x', 'y')
>>> mxy = MyListXY()
>>> mxy.__class__ = list
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __class__ assignment only supported for heap types or
    ModuleType subclasses
>>> mxy.__class__ = MyList
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __class__ assignment: 'MyList' object layout differs from
>>> m2.__class__ = MyListXY
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __class__ assignment: 'MyListXY' object layout differs from

However, they are class re-assignable from other derived classes, provided the “layout” matches, i.e. the slots have exactly the same names in order and number, and there is (or isn’t) an instance dictionary in both.

>>> class MyListXY2(list):
...     __slots__ = ('x', 'y')
>>> mxy.__class__ = MyListXY2
>>> class MyListAB(list):
...     __slots__ = ('a', 'b')
>>> mxy.__class__ = MyListAB
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: __class__ assignment: 'MyListAB' object layout differs from

The possibility of giving mxy class MyListXY2 tells us that both must be implemented by the same Java class.

In fact it is possible to derive again from a slotted class, in such a way that it gains an instance dictionary, or to add __slots__ to a base class that has a dictionary. (The purpose of __slots__ in Python is to save the space an instance dictionary occupies, an advantage lost when the ideas are mixed, but it must still work as expected.) Instances of all these types may have their class re-assigned, provided the constraint on __slots__ is also met.

>>> class MyListMix(MyList2, MyListXY): pass
>>> mix = MyListMix()
>>> mix.a = 1
>>> mix.__slots__
('x', 'y')

To support __slots__ and instance dictionaries in these combinations, we add a slots member to PyListDerived.

skinparam class {
    BackgroundColor<<Python>> LightSkyBlue
    BorderColor<<Python>> Blue

object <<Python>>
list <<Python>>
MyList2 <<Python>>
MyListXY <<Python>>
MyListMix <<Python>>

MyListMix -|> MyListXY
MyListMix -|> MyList2
MyList2 -|> list
MyListXY -|> list
list -|> object

class PyListDerived {
    dict : PyDictionary
    slots : PyObject[]

PyListDerived -|> PyList
PyList -|> ArrayList
ArrayList -|> Object

MyListMix .. PyListDerived
MyListXY .. PyListDerived
MyList2 .. PyListDerived
list .. PyList

Extending a Python built-in (supporting __slots__)

We have shown the slots implemented as an array, which is the approach Jython 2 takes. The dictionary of the type contains entries for “x” and “y”, that index the slots array in the instance. Another possibility is to create a new type with fields “x” and “y”, but this requires careful book-keeping to ensure MyListXY2 gets the same implementation class.

Example: extending with custom __new__

Consider the case of a long inheritance chain (from list again), including one class that customises __new__:

class L1(list): pass

class L2(L1):
    def __new__(c, *a, **k):
        obj = super(L2, c).__new__(c, *a, **k)
        obj.args = a
        return obj

class L3(L2): pass

x = L3("hello")

After running that script, we may examine what we created

>>> x
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
>>> x.args

The definitions result in an MRO for L3 of ('L3', 'L2', 'L1', 'list', 'object'). The construction of x calls L2.__new__. Each class in the MRO gets its turn to customise the object. We can illustrate how classes in Python are realised by objects in Java in the following (somewhat abusive UML) diagram, showing the Java PyType objects that implement the Python classes in the discussion:

skinparam class {
    BackgroundColor<<Python>> LightSkyBlue
    BorderColor<<Python>> Blue

object <<Python>>
list <<Python>>
L1 <<Python>>
class L2 <<Python>> {
    {method} __new__(c, *a, **k)
L3 <<Python>>

list -|> object
L1 -|> list
L2 -|> L1
L3 -|> L2

object "<u>:PyType</u>" as Tobject {
    name = "object"

object "<u>:PyType</u>" as Tlist {
    name = "list"

object "<u>:PyType</u>" as TL1 {
    name = "L1"

object "<u>:PyType</u>" as TL2 {
    name = "L2"

object "<u>:PyType</u>" as TL3 {
    name = "L3"

object "<u>:PyFunction</u>" as L2new {
    {field} __name__ = "__new__"

object "<u>:PyJavaFunction</u>" as listnew {
    {field} __name__ = "__new__"

TL3 -> TL2
TL2 -> TL1
TL1 -> Tlist
Tlist -> Tobject

L3 .. TL3
L2 .. TL2
L1 .. TL1
list .. Tlist
object .. Tobject

TL2 -down-> L2new
Tlist -down-> listnew

Representing a Python MRO (including __new__)

The functions in the diagram are (Python) attributes of the type objects, implemented by descriptors in the dictionary of each type, in this case under the key "__new__". This complexity has been elided from the diagram.

During the building of the structure depicted, the tp_new slot of L1 is copied from that of list, the tp_new slot of L2 is filled with a wrapper on L2.__new__, and the tp_new slot of L3 is copied from that of L2. The pre-existing list.__new__ is a wrapper invoking list.tp_new. It sounds as if the chain up to list is broken between L2 and L1, and it would be if L2.__new__ were not to call a super __new__.

Now, consider constructing a new object of Python type L3, by calling L3(). We know that this invokes the slot tp_call on type with L3 as target, and that in turn invokes the tp_new slot on L3 with L3 as target. The tp_new slot on L3 is a copy of that in L2 and so the code for L2.__new__ is executed (with c = L3).

The expression super(L2, c).__new__ resolves to the __new__ attribute of list, by inheritance, and this is a wrapper that invokes the method PyList.tp_new. Recall that the first argument to tp_new (a PyType) must be the type actually under construction, in this case L3.

A conclusion about inheritance

We conclude from the examples that the behaviour of PyList.tp_new must be to construct a plain PyList when the type argument is list, but a PyListDerived when it is a Python sub-class of list. PyListDerived is a Java sub-class of PyList that potentially has dict and slots members. Whether the object actually has dict or slots members (or both) is deducible from the definition, and must be available from the type object when we construct instances.