5.3. Instance Models of object and type


object now SimpleType, no longer AdoptiveType


Check for PyBaseObject

We have laid out the basic patterns in the previous section, but only some of this territory was explored in rt3 work. In rt4 we take the opportunity to adjust even the tested ideas a little.

We shall discover better what we need by drawing instance diagrams that represent the structures that arise from various uses.

We begin with those we drew for rt3 in Operations on Built-in Types (after adjustments) and go on to more complex cases that support our current aims. We do not labour the implementations this time: they are almost the same as in rt3.

5.3.1. Representing list

The type list is defined by the class PyList and is represented by instances of that class. In this case, the PyType is the Representation object, so that dereferencing to the associated PyType, yields the same object (by a safe cast).

Suppose we write:

x = [1,2,3]

Then the structure we hope for is one that allows us to navigate from a reference to x to any named method (__len__ for example):

object "x : PyList" as x {
    value = [1,2,3]
object "PyList : Class" as PyList.class
object "list : SimpleType" as listType

x ..> PyList.class
PyList.class --> listType : registry
listType --> listType : type

object " : Map" as dict
listType --> dict : " ~__dict__"

object " : PyWrapperDescr" as len {
    name = "__len__"
object " : MethodHandle" as xlen {
dict --> len
len --> xlen

object " : PyWrapperDescr" as getitem {
    name = "__getitem__"
object " : MethodHandle" as xgetitem {
dict --> getitem
getitem --> xgetitem

object " : PyWrapperDescr" as add {
    name = "__add__"
object " : MethodHandle" as xadd {
dict --> add
add --> xadd

Instance model of a list and its type

Simple Sub-classes of list

How do we represent an instance of a Python subclass of list? Straightforward subclasses are possible like this:

class L(list):
    def __init__(self, *p): super().__init__(*p); self.a = 42
    def __repr__(self): return f"{super().__repr__()} {self.__dict__}"
class L1(list): pass
class L2(list): pass
class L3(L): pass
class L4(L3, L2, list): pass

x = L()
x1 = L1(); x1.a = 43
x2 = L2(); x2.b = 44
x3 = L3(); x3.a = 45; x3.b = 46
x4 = L4(); x4.b = 47; x4.c = 48

It is notable that, with certain restrictions, instances of distinct Python classes allow assignment to __class__, in a way that Java objects do not with their class:

>>> x2.__class__ = L
>>> x2
[] {'b': 44}
>>> x3.__class__ = L1
>>> x4
[] {'a': 42, 'b': 47, 'c': 48}
>>> x1.__class__ = list
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#91>", line 1, in <module>
    x1.__class__ = list
TypeError: __class__ assignment only supported for mutable types or ModuleType subclasses

The error is a clue to the limits of class assignment. When CPython decides what assignments to allow, it looks at certain traits of the current and proposed object types. Sub-classes of common ancestry generally meet these criteria. It then looks at the memory layout of the object, as described by the current and proposed types, and allows the swap if they are sufficiently alike. All the types L, L1, L2, L3, L4 have the same layout as list, except for the addition of an instance dictionary __dict__. The attributes a and b are entries in that dictionary, and do not affect the layout.

The ability to assign a class to instances of another class is reflexive, symmetric and transitive, so it is an equivalence relation. The equivalence classes in the example, when we enumerate them by trial, are: [('list',), ('L', 'L1', 'L2', 'L3', 'L4')].

We don’t have this freedom once we have created a Java object: the Java class is fixed. Types that allow class assignment must therefore be represented by a single class in Java.

In the exampes presented, all the subclasses of list are interchangeable in Python (even the subclass of a subclass, but not list itself). They all therefore must share the same representation in Java, a Java subclass of PyList, with __dict__ and an explicit type.

In this simple case of a predictable need, the class we need may be created in advance, and used for all such Python subclasses of list. We shall denote this prepared class by PyList.Derived on the assumption it can be a nested class of PyList. Later we shall find this idea does not stretch to cover all our needs, but we work with it for now.

' object "PyList : Class" as PyList.class
' PyList.class --> listType : registry
' listType --> listType : type

object "x : PyList.Derived" as x {
    __dict__ = {'a':42}
object "x1 : PyList.Derived" as x1 {
    __dict__ = {'a':43}
object "x2 : PyList.Derived" as x2 {
    __dict__ = {'a':44}
object "x3 : PyList.Derived" as x3 {
    __dict__ = {'a':45, 'b':46}

object "PyList.Derived : Class" as PyList.Derived.class

object "list : SimpleType" as listType
object "L : ReplaceableType" as LType
object "L1 : ReplaceableType" as L1Type
object "L2 : ReplaceableType" as L2Type
object "L3 : ReplaceableType" as L3Type

LType --> listType : base
L1Type --> listType : base
L2Type --> listType : base
L3Type -> LType : base

object " : SharedRepresentation" as PyList.Derived.rep
x ..> PyList.Derived.class
x1 ..> PyList.Derived.class
x2 ..> PyList.Derived.class
x3 ...> PyList.Derived.class

PyList.Derived.class --> PyList.Derived.rep : registry

x --> LType : type
x1 --> L1Type : type
x2 --> L2Type : type
x3 --> L3Type : type

Instance model for simple subclasses of list

Any of the classes here may appear concurrently as bases in multiple inheritance, including list. The PyList.Derived design also supports this. The MRO of L4 is (L4, L3, L, L2, list, object).

' object "PyList : Class" as PyList.class
' PyList.class --> listType : registry
' listType --> listType : type

object "x4 : PyList.Derived" as x4 {
    __dict__ = {'a': 42, 'b': 47, 'c': 48}

object "PyList.Derived : Class" as PyList.Derived.class

object "list : SimpleType" as listType
object "L : ReplaceableType" as LType
object "L2 : ReplaceableType" as L2Type
object "L3 : ReplaceableType" as L3Type
object "L4 : ReplaceableType" as L4Type

L3Type -right-> LType : base
L2Type -right-> listType : base
L4Type --> L3Type : " ~__mro__[1]"
L4Type --> LType : " ~__mro__[2]"
L4Type --> L2Type : " ~__mro__[3]"
L4Type --> listType : " ~__mro__[4]"
'LType ----> listType : base

object " : SharedRepresentation" as PyList.Derived.rep
x4 .right.> PyList.Derived.class

PyList.Derived.class -right-> PyList.Derived.rep : registry

x4 --> L4Type : type

Multiple inheritance for simple subclasses of list

When we need the type of an object, its Java class leads us to its Representation, but for derived classes the representation is a SharedRepresentation that consults the object itself. The SharedRepresentation is the same for each object in the example, but the Python type will be distinct (and in principle assignable), since it references a ReplaceableType of the common SharedRepresentation.

We shall see shortly that this does not work in general, and later that we must be able to create representation classes in Java as we encounter new class definitions in Python. We must then somehow retrieve representations we already made, where their “layout” is the same as CPython would perceive it, if we are to implement Python’s class assignment fully.

Sub-classes of list using __slots__

There is another way to define subclasses, using __slots__. When a special tuple of names __slots__ is defined at class level, Python allocates memory locations in the instances and there is no instance __dict__. The motive is often to save space.

We have to set up a fairly complicated example to explore this.

class LS(list):
    __slots__ = ('a',)
    def __init__(self, *p): super().__init__(*p); self.a = 42
    def __repr__(self): return f"{super().__repr__()} {self.a=}"
class LS1(list): __slots__ = ('a',)
class LS2(list): __slots__ = ('b',)
class LS3(LS):
    __slots__ = ('b',)
    def __init__(self, *p): super().__init__(*p); self.b = 46
    def __repr__(self): return f"{super().__repr__()} {self.b=}"
class LS4(list): __slots__ = ()
class LS5(LS):
    __slots__ = ()
    def __init__(self, *p): super().__init__(*p); self.a = 47;
class LS6(LS):
    def __repr__(self): return f"{super().__repr__()} {self.__dict__}"
class LS7(LS6, LS3, list):
    __slots__ = ('c',)
    def __init__(self, *p): super().__init__(*p); self.c = 49
    def __repr__(self): return f"{super().__repr__()} {self.c=}"

xs = LS()
xs1 = LS1(); xs1.a = 43
xs2 = LS2(); xs2.b = 44
xs3 = LS3()
xs4 = LS4()
xs5 = LS5()
xs6 = LS6(); xs6.b = 48
xs7 = LS7(); xs7.n = 9

The possibilities for assignment to __class__, and for multiple inheritance, are significantly narrowed by the use of __slots__.

The equivalence classes, when we compute them, are: [('list',), ('LS', 'LS1', 'LS5'), ('LS2',), ('LS3',), ('LS4',), ('LS6',), ('LS7',)]

>>> xs1.__class__ = LS
>>> xs2.__class__ = LS
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#94>", line 1, in <module>
    xs2.__class__ = LS
TypeError: __class__ assignment: 'LS' object layout differs from 'LS2'
>>> xs4.__class__ = list
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#136>", line 1, in <module>
    xs4.__class__ = list
TypeError: __class__ assignment only supported for mutable types or ModuleType subclasses

xs1 is assignable with LS because LS1 has an identical __slots__, even though it has quite different methods. LS2 differs in layout from LS only in the name it chooses for its member, but it is still incompatible. LS5 is compatible because it subclasses LS and adds an empty __slots__, but the same trick does not make LS4 compatible with list. LS6 does not mention __slots__, so it gets a __dict__, making it incompatible with parent LS.

A possible approach is to give PyList.Derived an array member that holds the values of the slotted variables. We also need a mapping from slot attribute name to location in the array. For the purposes of analysis, we depict this as an array of names slotNames in the type, built from the class contributions accumulated among the (reverse) MRO. Operationally the job can be done by member descriptors in the dictionary of the type that named the slot, and found along the MRO. In the interests of readability, we split the instance diagram into parts for direct and indirect subclassses of list, and multiple inheritance:

' object "PyList : Class" as PyList.class
' PyList.class --> listType : registry
' listType --> listType : type

object "xs : PyList.Derived" as xs {
    slots = [42]
    __dict__ = null
object "xs1 : PyList.Derived" as xs1 {
    slots = [43]
    __dict__ = null
object "xs2 : PyList.Derived" as xs2 {
    slots = [44]
    __dict__ = null
object "xs4 : PyList.Derived" as xs4 {
    slots = []
    __dict__ = null

object "PyList.Derived : Class" as PyList.Derived.class

object "list : SimpleType" as listType

object "LS : ReplaceableType" as LSType {
    slotNames = ["a"]
object "LS1 : ReplaceableType" as LS1Type {
    slotNames = ["a"]
object "LS2 : ReplaceableType" as LS2Type {
    slotNames = ["b"]
object "LS4 : ReplaceableType" as LS4Type {
    slotNames = []

LSType --> listType : base
LS1Type --> listType : base
LS2Type --> listType : base
LS4Type --> listType : base

object " : SharedRepresentation" as PyList.Derived.rep
xs ..> PyList.Derived.class
xs1 ..> PyList.Derived.class
xs2 ..> PyList.Derived.class
xs4 ..> PyList.Derived.class

PyList.Derived.class --> PyList.Derived.rep : registry

xs --> LSType : type
xs1 --> LS1Type : type
xs2 --> LS2Type : type
xs4 --> LS4Type : type

Direct __slots__ subclasses of list

' object "PyList : Class" as PyList.class
' PyList.class --> listType : registry
' listType --> listType

object "xs3 : PyList.Derived" as xs3 {
    slots = [42,46]
    __dict__ = null
object "xs5 : PyList.Derived" as xs5 {
    slots = [47]
    __dict__ = null
object "xs6 : PyList.Derived" as xs6 {
    slots = [42]
    __dict__ = {"b":48}

object "PyList.Derived : Class" as PyList.Derived.class

object "list : SimpleType" as listType {
    slotNames = []
object "LS : ReplaceableType" as LSType {
    slotNames = ["a"]
object "LS3 : ReplaceableType" as LS3Type {
    slotNames = ["a","b"]
object "LS5 : ReplaceableType" as LS5Type {
    slotNames = ["a"]
object "LS6 : ReplaceableType" as LS6Type {
    slotNames = ["a"]

LSType --> listType : base
LS3Type --> LSType : base
LS5Type --> LSType : base
LS6Type --> LSType : base

object " : SharedRepresentation" as PyList.Derived.rep
xs3 ..> PyList.Derived.class
xs5 ..> PyList.Derived.class
xs6 ..> PyList.Derived.class

PyList.Derived.class --> PyList.Derived.rep : registry

xs3 --> LS3Type : type
xs5 --> LS5Type : type
xs6 --> LS6Type : type

Indirect __slots__ subclasses of list

__slots__ restricts the classes that may appear concurrently as bases in multiple inheritance. The fact of using the PyList.Derived as a common representation allows for arbitrary class assignment, but we must exclude cases that change the slotNames or the use of __dict__. We might think we can be less restrictive than CPython, but a feasible “slot layout” is equivalent (we think) to the constraint CPython applies. The MRO of LS7 is (LS7, LS6, LS3, LS, list, object).

' object "PyList : Class" as PyList.class
' PyList.class --> listType : registry
' listType --> listType

object "xs7 : PyList.Derived" as xs7 {
    slots = [42,46,49]
    __dict__ = {"n":9}

object "PyList.Derived : Class" as PyList.Derived.class

object "list :SimpleType" as listType {
    slotNames = []
object "LS : ReplaceableType" as LSType {
    slotNames = ["a"]
object "LS3 : ReplaceableType" as LS3Type {
    slotNames = ["a","b"]
object "LS6 : ReplaceableType" as LS6Type {
    slotNames = ["a"]
object "LS7 : ReplaceableType" as LS7Type {
    slotNames = ["a","b","c"]

LSType -right-> listType : base
LS3Type --right-> LSType : base
LS6Type --> LSType : base
LS7Type -left-> LS6Type : " ~__mro__[1]"
LS7Type --> LS3Type : " ~__mro__[2]"
LS7Type --> LSType : " ~__mro__[3]"
LS7Type -right-> listType : " ~__mro__[4]"

object " : SharedRepresentation" as PyList.Derived.rep
xs7 .right.> PyList.Derived.class

PyList.Derived.class --> PyList.Derived.rep : registry

xs7 --> LS7Type : type

Multiple inheritance of __slots__ subclasses of list

5.3.2. Object, object and Python class

Suppose we define two classes in Python that have base object, in the simplest way possible.

class A: pass
class A2(A): pass

a = A(); a.x = 42
a2 = A2(); a2.y = 43

We can represent these objects and types as follows:

object "Object : Class" as Object.class

object "o : Object" as o
o .right.> Object.class

object "object : SimpleType" as objectType
Object.class -right-> objectType : registry

object "a : ObjectBase" as a {
    type = A
    __dict__ = {'x':42}
object "a2 : ObjectBase" as a2 {
    type = A2
    __dict__ = {'y':43}

object "ObjectBase : Class" as ObjectBase.class

object "A : ReplaceableType" as AType
AType -up-> objectType : base
object "A2 : ReplaceableType" as A2Type
A2Type -up-> AType : base

object " : SharedRepresentation" as ObjectBase.rep
a .right.> ObjectBase.class
a2 .up.> ObjectBase.class

ObjectBase.class -right-> ObjectBase.rep : registry
AType -left-> ObjectBase.rep
A2Type --left-> ObjectBase.rep

'a --> AType : type
'a2 --> A2Type : type

object and subclasses

Notice that the Java class of a and a2 is the same ObjectBase, that is, they have the same representation and therefore the same Representation object, an instance of SharedRepresentation. This is another prepared representation like PyList.Derived above. There is a PyObjectBase in CPython with similar function. Nevertheless, we remind the reader that this approach proves insufficient later.

Imagine we pick up either a or a2 and ask its Python type: the class leads us to the same representation, from which there is no navigation to A or A2. However, SharedRepresentation.pythonType(Object o) consults the argument for its actual type.

The Java class of o is simply Object, which is the (single) representation of object. We might think that object should therefore be an AdoptiveType, since it is a pre-existing (not crafted) implementation, and it is the base of all classes in Java (not final) we are able to nominate it the primary of a SimpleType.

5.3.3. Type Objects for type

In the preceding diagrams, we depicted objects and the web of connections we use to navigate to their Python type. But the type objects we reached are themselves Python objects, and they have a type object too.

It is well known that the type of type is type itself. We have already come across three variant implementations of type in the examples. Suppose we start with one instance of each implementation. We should be able to navigate from each of them to the same object, because each of them represents an instance of the type type.

object "list : SimpleType" as listType
object "A : ReplaceableType" as AType
object "float : AdoptiveType" as floatType

object "PyType : Class" as PyType.class
object "SimpleType : Class" as SimpleType.class
object "ReplaceableType : Class" as ReplaceableType.class
object "AdoptiveType : Class" as AdoptiveType.class

listType ..> SimpleType.class
AType ..> ReplaceableType.class
floatType ..> AdoptiveType.class

object "type : SimpleType" as type {
    name = "type"
type --> type : type

PyType.class --> type : registry
SimpleType.class -down-> type
ReplaceableType.class -down-> type
AdoptiveType.class -down-> type

type .up.> SimpleType.class

Type Objects for type

We choose to implement type as a SimpleType. Although type has multiple implementations in Java (SimpleType, ReplaceableType and AdoptiveType), we need not treat them as adopted (and so use AdoptiveType), since they all extend PyType.

We have not yet considered metatypes (subtypes of type). Let’s take the example from the Python documentation:

class Meta(type): pass
class MyClass(metaclass=Meta): pass
class MySubclass(MyClass): pass

x = MyClass()
y = MySubclass()

We understand that when we create a class, we create an instance of type. In simple cases, the type of a class is exactly type.

>>> class C: pass
>>> type(C)
<class 'type'>
>>> type(C())
<class '__main__.C'>

Looked at the other way, type and C are both instances of type, but C(...) produces only new C objects, while type(...) is a constructor of new types. This is because type.__call__ defers to __new__ in the particular type object itself, which is type.__new__ in type and object.__new__ in C.

It is also worth reflecting that we get exactly the same result if we de-sugar class creation to a constructor call:

>>> C = type("C", (), {})
>>> type(C)
<class 'type'>
>>> type(C())
<class '__main__.C'>

An object that produces new types, and is not type itself, is disorienting at first. To help with the orientation, let us de-sugar class creation involving a metaclass:

>>> D = Meta("D", (), {})
>>> type(D)
<class '__main__.Meta'>
>>> isinstance(D, type)
>>> type(D())
<class '__main__.D'>

Metatypes like Meta are subclasses of type in the way that L, L1, L2 are subclasses list (to borrow from an earlier example). It follows that an instance of the metatype, that is, a type defined by calling the metatype, should be represented in Java by a sub-type of PyType, just as instances of L etc. are represented by a subtype of PyList.

Secondly, each metatype is itself an instance of type, since it may be called to make objects. Its class is directly type:

>>> Meta.__class__
<class 'type'>

Each metatype itself should therefore be realised by a Java subclass of PyType, specifically ReplaceableType, for which the shared representation is always the same.

The behaviour of metatypes with respect to class assignment is just the same as any other family of subclasses: all metatypes have the same representation. Assignment of a replacement metatype is allowed to the __class__ member of any instance of a metatype (if simply derived from type without __slots__). Any of the (simply derived) classes created by metatypes may be given a new metatype, but type itself cannot be assigned to their __class__. We can illustrate this by extending the example with another metatype:

class Other(type): pass
class MyOtherClass(list, metaclass=Other): pass

z = MyOtherClass()
assert type(MyOtherClass) == Other

In the above, MyOtherClass.__class__ = Meta would be possible. The assignability of __class__ in instances of the classes produced by metatypes, depends on their own bases, not the properties of the metatypes that made them, so z.__class__ = MyClass would fail because of the involvement of list, not for any difference in metatype.

object "x : PyBaseObject" as x
x --> MyClass : type
object "y : PyBaseObject" as y
y --> MySubclass : type

'object "PyType : Class" as PyType.class
object "PyType.Derived : Class" as PyType.Derived.class
'object "SimpleType : Class" as SimpleType.class
'object "ReplaceableType : Class" as ReplaceableType.class

object "metas : SharedRepresentation" as metas.rep
'object "objects : SharedRepresentation" as objects.rep

object "type : SimpleType" as type {
    name = "type"
'type ..> SimpleType.class
type --> type : type

object "Meta : ReplaceableType" as Meta {
    name = "Meta"
Meta --> type : type
Meta --> type : base
Meta --> metas.rep

object "MyClass : PyType.Derived" as MyClass {
    name = "MyClass"
MyClass ..>  PyType.Derived.class
MyClass --> Meta : type

object "MySubclass : PyType.Derived" as MySubclass {
    name = "MySubclass"
MySubclass ..> PyType.Derived.class
MySubclass --> Meta : type

'PyType.class --> type : registry
'SimpleType.class --> type : registry
'ReplaceableType.class --> type : registry
PyType.Derived.class --> metas.rep : registry

object "z : PyBaseObject" as z
z --> MyOtherClass : type

object "Other : ReplaceableType" as Other {
    name = "Other"
Other --> type
Other --> type
Other --> metas.rep

object "MyOtherClass : PyType.Derived" as MyOtherClass {
    name = "MyOtherClass"
MyOtherClass ..>  PyType.Derived.class
MyOtherClass --> Other : type

Type Objects for Metatypes (Subclasses of type)

5.3.4. Representing float

The type float is defined by the class PyFloat, but java.lang.Double is adopted as a representation (and we might also allow java.lang.Float). We show here how the Representation helps us navigate to the correct implementation of a method, when representations have been adopted.

A Unary Operation float.__neg__

In Representing list, we saw how a SimpleType object, which is incidentally also a Representation object, allowed us to navigate to a MethodHandle on the implementation of that type’s special methods. In the signature of those methods the self argument had type PyList. We will draw the comparable diagram for PyFloat, a type with adopted representations.

Suppose that in the course of executing a UNARY_NEGATIVE opcode, the interpreter picks up an Object from the stack and finds it to be a Double. How does it locate the particular implementation of __neg__?

For float, there will be these implementations:

PyFloatMethods {
    // ...
    static double __neg__(PyFloat self) { return -self.value; }
    static double __neg__(Double self) { return -self; }

Rather than a single handle, the special method wrapper we enter into the dictionary of the type will contain an array of handles. To choose the correct one, we need to know that PyFloat is representation 0 and Double is representation 1.

The structure we propose looks like this, when realised for two floating-point values:

object "1e42 : PyFloat" as x
object "PyFloat : Class" as PyFloat.class

object " : MethodHandle" as pyFloatNeg {
    target = PyFloatMethods.__neg__(PyFloat)

object "float : AdoptiveType" as floatType

x ..> PyFloat.class
PyFloat.class --> floatType : registry

object "42.0 : Double" as y
object "Double : Class" as Double.class
object " : AdoptedRepresentation" as doubleRep {
    index = 1
object " : MethodHandle" as doubleNeg {
    target = PyFloatMethods.__neg__(Double)

y ..> Double.class
Double.class --> doubleRep : registry
doubleRep -left-> floatType : type

object " : Map" as dict
object " : PyWrapperDescr" as neg {
    name = "__neg__"

floatType --> dict : dict
dict --> neg
neg --> pyFloatNeg : 0
neg --> doubleNeg : 1

Instance model of float and its __neg__ method

When the interpreter picks up the Double 42.0, it traverses the Double class to the AdoptedRepresentation. We are effectively looking up the bound attribute (42.0).__neg__, and we can see that we must implement this so that it first consults the dictionary of the type, then uses the index it knows to select and invoke the correct handle, which is at index 1.

If the orignal object had been a PyFloat, the representation found would be the type object itself and the index would have been 0.

Note that the lookup of float.__neg__ will find us the descriptor containing a handle for every representation. It is the binding operation that selects one according to the implementation type of the target object. If we came to this binding cold, as in getattr(42.0, "__neg__"), we would have to look up the representation of 42.0 to find the index. Coming as we have from the representation object itself, we should be able to avoid that repeat lookup.

A Subclass of float

A Python subclass of float will always be implemented by a Java subclass of PyFloat, say PyFloat.Derived, that is mapped in the registry to a shared representation. The specific type will be designated by a field on each instance.

Suppose that we have defined:

class MyFloat(float):
    def __repr__(self):
        return super().__repr__() + " inches"

Then the object structure behind an instance MyFloat(42) is:

object "42.0 : PyFloat.Derived" as x
object "PyFloat.Derived : Class" as PyFloat.Derived.class

object " : MethodHandle" as pyFloatNeg {
    target = PyFloatMethods.__neg__(PyFloat)

object "float : AdoptiveType" as floatType
object " : SharedRepresentation" as PyFloat.Derived.rep
object "MyFloat : ReplaceableType" as myFloatType

x ..> PyFloat.Derived.class
PyFloat.Derived.class --> PyFloat.Derived.rep : registry

object " : Map" as floatDict
object " : PyWrapperDescr" as neg {
    name = "__neg__"

floatType --> floatDict : dict
floatDict --> neg
neg --> pyFloatNeg : 0

object " : Map" as myFloatDict
object " : PyMethodDescr" as repr {
    objtype = MyFloat
    name = "__repr__"

x --> myFloatType : type
myFloatType --> myFloatDict : dict
myFloatType -up-> floatType : base
myFloatDict --> repr

Instance model of a subclass of float

Now if x = MyFloat(42), then to print out x we first traverse the Java class of x, which is PyFloat.Derived, to a SharedRepresentation that bounces us back to x to obtain the real type MyFloat. We shall then find __repr__ in the dictionary of MyFloat and call that Python method. To calculate -x, we shall begin the same way, then have to search up the MRO, eventually finding implementation 0 of float.__neg__.

Since the range and precision of Double are the same as those of PyFloat.value, we could manage without PyFloat entirely, were it not that we need to define subclasses of float in Python. Sub-classes in Python must be represented by subclasses in Java and Double cannot be subclassed.

Possibility of Caching on the Representation

We know that in CPython, special methods like __neg__ map to pointers in a type object. Suppose we want to do the same. The corresponding idea is to give the Representation, and therefore every PyType, a MethodHandle for each special method.

Code for operation neg, in the Abstract API that supports the interpreter, accepts and returns arguments of declared type Object. The direct handle for PyFloat.__neg__, depending on the index, has type (Double)Object or (PyFloat)Object. For a handle to be invoked exactly by the API method, it must have type (Object)Object, and therefore we must wrap the direct handle with MethodHandle.asType, which is effectively a checked cast.

object "1e42 : PyFloat" as x
object "PyFloat : Class" as PyFloat.class

object " : MethodHandle" as pyFloatNeg {
    target = PyFloatMethods.__neg__(PyFloat)
object " : MethodHandle" as pyFloatNegMH

object "float : AdoptiveType" as floatType

x ..> PyFloat.class
PyFloat.class --> floatType : registry
floatType --> pyFloatNegMH : op_neg
pyFloatNegMH --> pyFloatNeg : target

object "42.0 : Double" as y
object "Double : Class" as Double.class
object " : AdoptedRepresentation" as doubleRep {
    index = 1
object " : MethodHandle" as doubleNeg {
    target = PyFloatMethods.__neg__(Double)
object " : MethodHandle" as doubleNegMH

y ..> Double.class
Double.class --> doubleRep : registry
doubleRep -left-> floatType : type
doubleRep --> doubleNegMH : op_neg
doubleNegMH --> doubleNeg : target

object " : Map" as floatDict
object " : PyWrapperDescr" as neg {
    name = "__neg__"

floatType --> floatDict : dict
floatDict --> neg
neg --> pyFloatNeg : 0
neg --> doubleNeg : 1

Instance model with a short-cut modelled after CPython

Notice that when we repeat this with a subclass, it is the type object (not the shared representation) that holds the specific method handle. The SharedRepresentation, redirects to the type object designated by the specific instance, before we access the short cut handle. And this handle is on the __call__ method of the descriptor, with its self argument bound to the specific descriptor from the dictionary of MyFloat. This __call__ method creates a frame to run the Python method.

object "1e42 : PyFloat" as x
object "PyFloat : Class" as PyFloat.class

object " : MethodHandle" as pyFloatNeg {
    target = PyFloatMethods.__neg__(PyFloat)
object " : MethodHandle" as pyFloatNegMH

object "float : AdoptiveType" as floatType

x ..> PyFloat.class
PyFloat.class --> floatType : registry
floatType --> pyFloatNegMH : op_neg
pyFloatNegMH --> pyFloatNeg : target

object " : MethodHandle" as doubleNeg {
    target = PyFloatMethods.__neg__(Double)

object " : Map" as floatDict
object " : PyWrapperDescr" as neg {
    name = "__neg__"

floatType --> floatDict : dict
floatDict --> neg
neg --> pyFloatNeg : 0
neg --> doubleNeg : 1

object "42.0 : PyFloat.Derived" as z
object "PyFloat.Derived : Class" as PyFloat.Derived.class

object " : SharedRepresentation" as PyFloat.Derived.rep
object "MyFloat : ReplaceableType" as myFloatType

z ..> PyFloat.Derived.class
PyFloat.Derived.class --> PyFloat.Derived.rep : registry

object " : Map" as myFloatDict
object " : PyMethodDescr" as myFloatRepr {
    objtype = MyFloat
    name = "__repr__"
object " : MethodHandle" as myFloatReprMH {
    target = PyMethodDescr.__call__(...)
myFloatReprMH --> myFloatRepr : self

z --> myFloatType : type
myFloatType --> myFloatDict : dict
myFloatType -up-> floatType : base
myFloatDict --> myFloatRepr
myFloatType --> pyFloatNegMH : op_neg
myFloatType --> myFloatReprMH : op_repr

Subclass instance model with a short-cut modelled after CPython

Motivation for Caching

The idea that type objects contain slots is so ingrained that there is a visibly different descriptor type for these methods, although there are very few places where Python is sensitive to the difference between WrapperDescriptorType and MethodDescriptorType, for example.

>>> float.__neg__
<slot wrapper '__neg__' of 'float' objects>

Not every special method gets the special treatment, however.

>>> float.__reduce__
<method '__reduce__' of 'object' objects>
>>> float.__subclasshook__
<built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object at 0x00007FF9D398BC50>

The motivation for slots in CPython is to get quickly from the abstract API method, PyNumber_Negative say, to the special method implementation specific to the type. Done conventionally, this would be slow: an attribute lookup along the MRO, then argument checks, descriptor binding and finally the call itself.

In the Abstract API, the call is already known to match the signature, and can be made safely via the pointer cached in the type object. Only a call from Python, like x.__neg__(), takes the slow path via the descriptor. This is of significant benefit when interpreting CPython byte code and where the methods are mainly from built-in types.

In a subclass of float, say where __neg__ has been redefined, the dictionary of the subtype contains a descriptor for the method defined in Python, which takes precedence over the wrapper descriptor in that of float. The type slot (ordinarily a copy of that in the parent class) contains a redirect function. Thus the interpreter invokes the handle from the type object, but the function takes the slow path via the descriptor. Only methods that have actually been overridden get this treatment: a subclass of float that does not redefine __neg__ still benefits from the shortcut.

This decision is not final with the construction of the type concerned, since a method may be redefined dynamically. Changes to types, at least where they affect the methods that fill type slots, must propagate down the inheritance hierarchy. Therefore each type keeps track of its descendants to notify them of changes. (The cascade cannot start with a built-in type as they are all immutable.)

Is Caching Beneficial for Jython?

The short answer is that we are unable to decide just yet. That is why in rt4 we will avoid shaping the runtime around the implementation of special methods.

In our highest performing code, we expect that operations (like ast.USub) will be compiled to mutable call sites. On first encountering a Double argument, the site will specialise itself with a MethodHandle on PyFloat.__neg__(Double) guarded by a test for Double. (If it later encounters an Integer it will add a clause for that too.) The handle is found once and never changes (float is immutable, and int) so there is no benefit in having a quick way to look it up.

In a subclass of float where a definition has been overidden, we will end up on a slow path anyway, because we are setting up a Python call frame. (It is rare to replace a method implemented in Java with another.) It may be a slow operation for the overridden method only, since methods inherited from float still have their Java implementations. Or it may be a more general slow-down: once a mutable type is in the MRO, we can no longer safely bind method handles into the call site, without taking precautions against the redefinition that can occur between calls to any method.

Another consideration is that some code encounters many different Java classes. A call site in a library compiled from Python will de-optimise to the slow path when the tree of guarded handles grows too large. The Abstract API is another place where many different classes arrive at a single method. The interpreter of CPython byte code, which we need too, and Python operations in modules, both rely on calls to the Abstract API. We should not use call sites to implement the Abstract API, since they will eventually de-optimise.

The safest course of action with mutable subclasses, and code that encounters objects of many types, is to look up the descriptor along the MRO every time.

Suppose we think this is too slow. There are two steps in the conventional chain of objects that frustrate simply caching the handle we find first, whether in the type object or on the call site:

  1. The type has to be looked up on each object that arrives there. The Java class is not enough: the same Java class represents instances from multiple Python types.

  2. Each type has its own MRO in which dictionaries are, in general, mutable. What we find in the first lookup may be invalidated by subsequent change anywhere along the MRO.

The first of these requirements makes the case for a cache of handles on a ReplaceableType (only). A call site embedding the handle itself would have to follow a guard on the Java class with one on the Python type. But a handle in the call site that invokes the handle on the type, need be guarded only by the class of the object. We still need the apparatus to refresh the handle in the type, as the appropriate method definition changes (second requirement), but it is not as onerous as updating every call site.

Another solution is to augment lookup along the MRO with a cache, so that we get to the descriptor more quickly. This again requires that each mutable type keep track of its descendants for cache invalidation. This is roughly what Jython 2 does.

The cost in space and time of a set of method handles on each type object, or of caching lookups in some other structure, is not negligible, nor that of propagating change in any scheme. We’ll try to make finding and calling an un-cached descriptor as slick as possible, but for the time being, we do not create method handle slots as we did in rt3.

5.3.5. Summary Examples

We have not explored all the examples we might. Here they are and some further examples in summary form.

Representation of exemplar types




Canonical Base












String, Character




Integer, BigInteger, Long, Short, Byte




Double, Float






When we define a new class in Python, it has one or more bases, all of them specified as Python type objects. If no bases are specified in the class definition, there is one base, which is object.

A Java class must be created or found to represent the new class, that is assignment compatible with the self argument of all exposed methods of every base. While Python allows multiple inheritance, when it involves types implemented in Java (or C), restrictions equivalent to single inheritance are imposed by “layout” constraints.

The representation of the new class is then an immediate subclass of the “most derived” Python type implemented in Java. The constraints Python imposes, expressed first as consistent memory layout in C, ensure that the most-derived type is uniquely identifiable in Java. This subclass adds only slots or an instance dictionary to its parent, and so we may define it in advance as the extension point class, which by convention is a nested class Derived. Since it extends the (canonical) representation of the most derived class, it is acceptable as self (really, this) in any method.

The Derived class is always derived from the first representation in the table above, and (if the Python type can be used as a base at all) we never find ourselves trying to derive from two bases, unless one of them is Object.