In this section we set out the plain Java object approach
to representing Python objects.
We did this already in rt3,
where it was presented as a hypothesis to test.
We now treat it as established.
experience has taught us in what ways the original idea was incomplete,
so while this section seems to repeat earlier material,
in the guise of a recap,
we have a more precise set of ideas and terms to use.
Recall that when we encounter a Java object that
we need to treat as a Python object,
we look first to its Java class
to tell us how to handle it.
The Python type of an object is not written
on every object the interpreter meets,
as it is in Jython 2.
We find the Python type information we need
via a field we effectively add to Class.
We do this using Java’s ClassValue feature,
backed by a registry of these mappings.
The ClassValue will find or compute a Representation object,
that either is the type object or leads to the type object.
(Representation object has a method to return the type,
which may simply return this.)
Consulting the ClassValue is quick, thread-safe and non-blocking
when the Representation has once been associated to the Class.
It is a lengthy process when the association has to be created,
and delicate when it comes to thread safety.
(This aspect of the model is similar to that in Jython 2.)
When the association has to be created,
at least one PyType has to be constructed reflectively,
or possibly a cascade of inter-dependent PyTypes.
We must guard against the possibility that
some other thread may already be doing overlapping work.
Type objects fall into three categories,
which have distinct Java implementations:
The SimpleType object is one-to-one with the Representation:
in fact they are the same object.
This is frequently the case for Python built-in types,
where a Java class has been crafted to represent instances of the type.
Java subclasses of a crafted representation
are mapped by default to this same Python type.
The SimpleType is also used to describe a found Java class
(one not specified programmatically to the runtime system).
Unlike crafted representations,
Java subclasses of a found representation
will generally have a Python type object of their own.
The ReplaceableType is one of several that
share a single Representation object.
Instances in Python are implemented by the Java class it identifies.
That Java class will have an instance field that is its Python type.
This field can usually be assigned,
to change the Python type of the object,
within the range of the shared representation.
The AdoptiveType allows instances of several Java classes,
unrelated by inheritance,
to represent a single type in Python.
There must be a Representation object for each.
We refer to these representations as “adopted” representations.
This is the case for a small number of built-in types:
it is how we can recognise a native java.lang.String, for example,
as a Python str.
We implement these three as distinct subclasses in Java of PyType.
All appear to Python as instances of type.
The primary representation class is a (least derived) Java class,
instances of which are acceptable as
the self argument to methods of the type.
In the case of a simple type,
all representation classes for the type have a common root class,
which is the primary representation.
For example, all three classes of type object extend PyType,
the primary representation of type.
In an adoptive type,
the primary representation is the one for which
the AdoptiveType object is also the Representation.
If there is a crafted representation class,
that will be the primary.
Secondly, we need the idea of a canonical base class.
This is the Java class on which the implementation of
a subclass defined in Python will be based.
Specific Java classes may have to be defined
as representations of the Python subclasses,
but all will be subclasses in Java of the canonical base.
Instances of subclasses of the canonical base
must be acceptable as a self argument to methods.
When a Python subclass,
seeking a method along the MRO finds it in a type object,
it will call the implementation matching the primary representation.
Therefore we require the canonical base to be
assignment compatible (in Java) with the self parameter.
Most often,
the canonical base is exactly the primary representation,
but it could be a subclass,
as in type, to ensure metatypes are SimpleTypes.
The canonical base,
even when it is technically the primary representation,
may exist only to support Python subclasses.
(It could even be abstract.)
For example,
there is no reason to construct an actual base PyFloat,
when a java.lang.Double will fulfil the same purpose,
but a Python subclass of float is represented by
a Java subclass of PyFloat.
The canonical representation cannot usually be an adopted one,
as they are mostly final.
As so often, object is an exception,
where the canonical class is java.lang.Object.
Not sure about the detail of this.
The concept is right,
but does the canonical base have properties that make it
always a “designer” class?
Rarely, we need to accept as a self argument to methods,
instances of a Java class that is not a representation of the type.
This is called an accepted class.
We only do this in an adoptive type,
the only type that accepts more than one self class.
Method implementations must exist to cater for the accepted class.
For example, for bool (represented by Boolean) to subclass int,
we must implement __add__(Booleanself,Objectother)
in the Java definition of int.
The descriptor for int.__add__ will accept a bool as if it were
another representation of int.
There may be an alternative to this where
a self is asked to cast to the primary class with __tojava__.
A Python subclass defined in Java, would be able to do that,
e.g. PyBoolean.__tojava__() could succeed
for PyLong or Integer target.
A general subclass defined in Python would have no need for that,
as it should extend a representation in Java.
We shall sometimes refer to the defining class of a type,
which is simply the class that supplies the definition of a type,
somewhere in its code.
In many cases,
the defining class is also the primary representation.
(We may refer to the defining representation.)
A frequent pattern is to write a defining class in which
a staticfinal type object is created
from a specification of the type being defined.
In other cases, we have to implement the type in one class,
and define the type with reference to that implementation
in another place that becomes the defining class.
The defining class, when it is not a defining representation,
is only of real interest because it usually supplies a lookup object,
which must have adequate rights to access the representation,
to create descriptors.
A replaceable type does not have a meaningful defining class,
since it is defined within the type system by derivation from
existing types.
In rt3 we called the Representation class Operations,
reflecting its role as the holder of slots for special methods
(operations like + and ~).
We now see it as having a more general use in
encapsulating how instances of the type are represented in Java,
and information that follows directly from that.
The need for different types and representation classes
was present in rt3,
but is now more precise.
It seems more complicated but is perhaps correct now.
Every object leads unfailingly to a Representation
that can reveal the PyType of the object we started with.
It begins with the Java class of the object
and afterwards goes one of three ways.
In the one-to-one case Representation associated to the class
is itself the PyType.
Representation.pythonType() just returns this
When the type T is a found Java type,
the PyType implementation will be created dynamically.
Its bases are found from the Java super-types,
and its dictionary filled with descriptors for the accessible methods,
created reflectively.
When we craft a Python type T explicitly in Java,
we have the luxury of designing in advance the exposed methods
(like __add__ or insert),
and we can arrange to include descriptors for them
in the dictionary of the PyType.
These methods will be applicable to Java subclasses of T,
including the special subclass that we nominate as the canonical base,
from which the shared representation (see next section) of
Python subclasses of T extends in Java.
Other subclasses of T, not marked as Python subclasses,
act as alternative implementations of the same Python type as T.
These subclasses will share the Representation
created for T.
Usually the Python methods will be implemented in a single class
that defines the type and implements the instances.
They will be instance methods (in Java) of that class.
But if that becomes unweildy, or for other reasons,
other classes may be nominated to provide implementations.
Instance methods in Python will have to be Java static,
and take the representing Java type as their first argument.
This is necessarily the case when representing a found type.
The exposed members are limited to those the interpreter can access.
Where several types are represented by the same Java class,
a single Representation will be cited by multiple PyTypes.
Instances must hold their Python type as an attribute
that the runtime consults when it needs the Python type.
(This is why pythonType() takes an argument.)
Typically __class__ assignment is possible on instances of these types,
as long as the replacement value is another ReplaceableType that
cites the same Representation.
Instances of a class defined in Python
(by a class statement),
that have no built-in types in their MRO but object,
will have the Java class PyBaseObject for T.
In general, T will be a Java extension point subclass of
the representation of the most-derived common ancestor.
(The case of mutiple Java bases needs investigation.)
CPython imposes restrictions on the valid combinations of such bases,
and what __class__ assignments are allowed.
We observe that in CPython,
acceptable values for __class__
define an equivalence relation amongst Python classes.
Let \(R(A,B)\) be the statement A.__class__=B.__class__ is allowed.
Then \(R(A,A)\),
\(R(A,B) ⇒ R(B,A)\),
and \(R(A,B) ∧ R(B,C) ⇒ R(A,C)\).
In CPython, the constraint is based on memory layout and other attributes.
In Jython, the essential requirement is that equivalent Python classes
be represented by the same Java class.
Other constraints must be added (e.g. presence of a __dict__).
We think this is no more restrictive than the rules implemented in CPython.
The section Instance Models of object and type explores cases of this,
with list, object and type as examples.
We check there our intuition that the constraints CPython applies
correspond to the idea of shared representation in Java.
In a few cases we accept several Java types as the same Python type.
For example, while there is a crafted PyInteger implemention of int,
we will accept BigInteger,
the boxed types (Integer and Long for a start),
and Boolean (so that bool may be a subclass of int).
The Java classes accepted by a type fall into three categories:
The defining representation:
a crafted representation of the type.
There is always a defining class to register the new type
and identify its representations.
Often, an instance of that class represents an instance of the new type.
(In the most frequent pattern,
which is not the adoptive pattern,
the defining class is the only representation.)
Adopted representations:
classes that we allow to represent the Python type.
These are generally pre-existing representations
of an equivalent type in Java (e.g. Double is adopted as float).
Additional accepted classes:
additional classes that are acceptable as self
to the methods of a type,
but are not representations.
The only example so far is that Boolean is accepted by int,
so that bool may be a Python subclass of int.
Each accepted class must lead to its own Representation object,
but only the defining and adopted classes lead to the same Python type.
A Java subclass of a class accepted by a built-in type,
not bound already to a different Representation,
will be treated as equivalent to its accepted base.
For example the several concrete subclasses of PyType
are all bound to the one Representation,
leading to Python type type.
When we implement a Python type,
we must arrange to include a descriptor for each method
in the dictionary of the PyType.
When we accept adopted representations,
these descriptors have to be a little special.
A single method from the Python perspective
has to contain a definition in Java
applicable to each accepted representation of the type,
the crafted one (if present, PyFloat say),
and each of the adopted representations (Float, Double).
For a given method,
there may be one specific to each accepted representation,
one that works for for all of them (accepting Objectself),
or something between (PyFloat and Number, say).
As we saw in the previous subsection,
Python subclasses of a given built-in type
are represented by a common Java class.
When the type is adoptive,
and admits subclasses,
we must identify a particular (non-final) representation
as “canonical”,
and that or a crafted subclass will be the representation
of every Python subclass.
When we call methods defined for the type on instances of the subclass,
the Java method called will always be that defined for
the canonical representation.
For a simple type, the single representation is canonical,
and a specific Java subclass of it is the extension point.
Amongst the adoptive built-in types
we find a diversity of patterns to be necessary.
Python str adopts java.lang.String as a representation.
The adopted form is more frequent than PyUnicode,
which may represent a str using an array of character values.
Some methods have distinct implementations for String and PyUnicode,
while others accept Object in order to share an implementation.
The type bool adopts java.lang.Boolean
but needs no canonical representation as it cannot be subclassed.
The class PyBoolean is there only to define the type,
and methods on the only two Boolean objects that can exist.
Some special treatment is needed to make bool a subclass of int.
The type int accepts Boolean as a representation in methods,
but does not adopt it.
Sometimes the canonical representation is only instantiated
to support subclasses.
For example, PyFloat instances only exist
only so that we may subclass float.