2.4. Simple Statements and Assignment

2.4.1. Aims of this Section

In this section we’ll find a way to implement sequences of statements, representing module or function bodies. We’ll concentrate on assignment to local, non-local and global variables. Previous work provides most of the “right hand side” for our assignments and we shall add a subset of the function calls.

Like most languages, Python code finds its local variables in a frame object, where one frame is created dynamically per function invocation. The layout of the frame is specific to each function, and is specified statically in the code object that results from compiling that function. In order to generate the right specification in the code object, the compiler has to collect information on each variable in a symtable (symbol table) object.

The programme of work for this chapter is implementation of Java equivalents to these three objects, taken in reverse order, symtable, code and frame.

2.4.2. Additions to the AST


In order to represent the statements we need, we advance the ASDL of TreePython to this:

module TreePython
    mod = Module(stmt* body, type_ignore *type_ignores)

    stmt = FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args,
                       stmt* body, expr* decorator_list, expr? returns,
                       string? type_comment)
         | Return(expr? value)
         | Delete(expr* targets)
         | Assign(expr* targets, expr value, string? type_comment)
         | Global(identifier* names)
         | Nonlocal(identifier* names)
         | Expr(expr value)
         | Pass

    expr = BinOp(expr left, operator op, expr right)
         | UnaryOp(unaryop op, expr operand)
         | Call(expr func, expr* args, keyword* keywords)
         | Constant(constant value, string? kind)

         -- the following expression can appear in assignment context
         | Name(identifier id, expr_context ctx)

    operator = Add | Sub | Mult | Div
    unaryop = UAdd | USub
    expr_context = Load | Store | Del

    arguments = (arg* posonlyargs, arg* args, arg? vararg,
                 arg* kwonlyargs, expr* kw_defaults, arg? kwarg,
                 expr* defaults)

    arg = (identifier arg, expr? annotation, string? type_comment)
    keyword = (identifier? arg, expr value)
    type_ignore = TypeIgnore(int lineno, string tag)

We can see that modules and function definitions have a body attribute that is a sequence of statements. This is what leads us into careful consideration of data structures known in Python as code objects (to hold the sequence of statements) and frame objects (to hold local variable state).

We’ve included function definition in the ASDL, and call and return, because important aspects of the binding of variable names only emerge once nested scopes are considered. It turns out that pass is also a useful statement in generated examples, and not difficult to implement.


The ASDL above, gives rise to a set of class definitions, of a predictable type, and the following visitor interface:

public interface Visitor<T> {
    default T visit_Module(mod.Module _Module) { return null; }
    default T visit_FunctionDef(stmt.FunctionDef _FunctionDef)
            { return null; }
    default T visit_Return(stmt.Return _Return) { return null; }
    default T visit_Delete(stmt.Delete _Delete) { return null; }
    default T visit_Assign(stmt.Assign _Assign) { return null; }
    default T visit_Global(stmt.Global _Global) { return null; }
    default T visit_Nonlocal(stmt.Nonlocal _Nonlocal) { return null; }
    default T visit_Expr(stmt.Expr _Expr) { return null; }
    default T visit_Pass(stmt.Pass _Pass) { return null; }
    default T visit_BinOp(expr.BinOp _BinOp) { return null; }
    default T visit_UnaryOp(expr.UnaryOp _UnaryOp) { return null; }
    default T visit_Call(expr.Call _Call) { return null; }
    default T visit_Constant(expr.Constant _Constant) { return null; }
    default T visit_Name(expr.Name _Name) { return null; }
    default T visit_arguments(arguments _arguments) { return null; }
    default T visit_arg(arg _arg) { return null; }
    default T visit_keyword(keyword _keyword) { return null; }
    default T visit_TypeIgnore(type_ignore.TypeIgnore _TypeIgnore)
            { return null; }

Previously we evaluated expressions using a class Evaluator that implemented the visitor interface. We’ll do something like that again, basing work on an examination of the CPython interpreter, PyEval_EvalCode() (or PyEval_EvalCodeEx()).

2.4.3. A Look at Variable Scope in CPython

Local and Global Namespaces

In Python, the execution context of a block of code is equipped with two name spaces: local and global. Global variables are easily understood: they are always a dictionary, like the one we used during our experiments to implement expressions. This is almost always the dictionary of the module containing the code.

These name spaces (local and global) are available as dictionaries (mappings) through the functions locals() and globals(), but usually code refers to variables by name directly.

The realisation of local variables differs according to the context of the source code. It may be a mapping of names to values, or be stored as an array directly within the frame object. In CPython byte code, different instructions are generated to access local variables, according to the realisation chosen. In general, at module level, the Python compiler will choose a mapping for its locals, and that mapping will be the same dictionary that holds the globals. In contrast, a function body will be compiled to use the efficient, frame-based array.

When executing any code using the eval() function, one can supply separate local and global dictionaries explicitly.

Some “local” variables may be local to one frame, but also accessed by code in lexically-nested scopes that have their own frames. These are called “cell variables”. They exist “off frame” in a holder object of type Cell , refrenced by every frame that may need them.

Overall, there are roughly 4 types of variable access in Python, and within each, load, store and delete operations:



interpreter action


search of local, global or the __builtins__ module

Load/delete where found (store is always local). Used in a compiled module.


in the frame

Access locally. Used in a compiled function.


shared between frames

Access indirectly through PyCell


in the defining module

Access via global dictionary reference (normally module)

The bare-essential Java implementation of frame will look like this:

private static class Frame {

    /** Frames form a stack by chaining through the back pointer. */
    final Frame f_back;
    /** Code this frame is to execute. */
    final Code f_code;
    /** Global context (name space) of execution. */
    final Map<String, Object> f_globals;
    /** Local context (name space) of execution (if needed). */
    Map<String, Object> f_locals = null;
    /** Built-in objects */
    final Map<String, Object> f_builtins;
    /** Local simple variables (corresponds to "varnames"). */
    Object[] fastlocals = null;
    /** Local cell variables: concatenation of cellvars & freevars. */
    Cell[] cellvars = null;
    // ...

We need some processing that decides how to allocate variables in the fastlocals and cellvars arrays.

2.4.4. Generating the Layout


In order to access the project-specific tools used in the Python examples in this section, put the directory rt1/src/main/python on the sys.path, for example via the environment variable PYTHONPATH.

Symbol Tables

Help from the CPython Compiler

When we create an AST node implying a load or store operation, only the variable name is apparent in the node: the storage type is not identified. We have to look at the tree as a whole in order to work out which mode is appropriate in each place. The CPython compiler is happy to show us its decisions about the scope of names (hence the type of access). See also Naming and binding in the Python Language Reference.

We need quite a complex example to explore this subject at the Python prompt:

>>> prog = """\
def f():
    def g():
        def h():
            nonlocal x
            x = 42000
    x = 420
x = 42

In this program, the name x in the scope defined by h refers to the same variable called x in the scope defined by f, but this is distinct from the x at the outermost (module) level.

The standard library module that helps us out here is symtable. It will compile this source for us and return the symbol tables. There is a symbol table for each scope, and these tables nest in the same pattern as the scopes in the source:

>>> import symtable
>>> mst = symtable.symtable(prog, '<module>', 'exec')
>>> mst
<SymbolTable for top in <module>>
>>> mst.lookup('x')
<symbol 'x'>
>>> mst.lookup('x').is_global()
>>> mst.get_children()[0]
<Function SymbolTable for f in <module>>
>>> mst.get_children()[0].get_children()[0]
<Function SymbolTable for g in <module>>

It may be surprising that x at the top level is not global. If we take the trouble to supply local and global name spaces separately, when we execute the code, we can see the effect:

>>> gbl, loc = {}, {}
>>> exec(prog, gbl, loc)
>>> loc
{'f': <function f at 0x000001F08F9861E0>, 'x': 42}

Name access at the top level compiles to *_NAME instructions that load from local, global or built-in name spaces, but store only into the local one:

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(compile(prog, '<module>', 'exec'), depth=0)
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (<code object f at 0x00000273D04B03A0, file "<module>", line 1>)
              2 LOAD_CONST               1 ('f')
              4 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
              6 STORE_NAME               0 (f)

  8           8 LOAD_CONST               2 (42)
             10 STORE_NAME               1 (x)
             12 LOAD_CONST               3 (None)
             14 RETURN_VALUE

Navigating the symbol tables by hand is tedious, but there is a module at rt1/src/main/python/symbolutil.py that will help:

>>> import symbolutil as su
>>> su.show_module(mst)
<SymbolTable for top in <module>>
  "f" : LOCAL, assigned, local, namespace
  "x" : LOCAL, assigned, local
<Function SymbolTable for f in <module>>
  locals : ('g', 'x')
  "g" : LOCAL, assigned, local, namespace
  "x" : CELL, assigned, local
<Function SymbolTable for g in <module>>
  locals : ('h',)
  frees : ('x',)
  "h" : LOCAL, assigned, local, namespace
  "x" : FREE, free
<Function SymbolTable for h in <module>>
  frees : ('x',)
  "x" : FREE, assigned, free, local

For each name, in each scope, we can see the conclusion (in capitals) reached by the CPython compiler about the scope of that name. The five possibilities are: FREE, LOCAL, GLOBAL_IMPLICIT, GLOBAL_EXPLICIT, CELL. The other information (lowercase) is the result of calling the informational methods e.g. is_assigned() on the symbol, and recording the ones that return True. These access the observations made by the compiler of how the name is used in that lexical scope. An interesting feature of this example is that, although x is not mentioned at all in the scope of g, x ends up a free variable in its symbol table, because it is free in an enclosed scope.

Symbol Tables in Java

We can easily reproduce in Java the sort of data structures exposed by symtable. But we have to fill them in using the correct logic on the AST, which is a little delicate.

We take two passes over the source to resolve the scope of each name, since we have to see all the uses of a name in order to decide. The first pass is a visitor on the AST, that builds the symbol tables and their observations. An example of the processing is:

static class SymbolVisitor extends AbstractTreeVisitor<Void> {

    /** Description of the current block (symbol table). */
    protected SymbolTable current;
    /** Map from nodes that are blocks to their symbols. */
    final Map<Node, SymbolTable> blockMap;

    public Void visit_FunctionDef(stmt.FunctionDef functionDef) {
        // Start a nested block
        FunctionSymbolTable child =
                new FunctionSymbolTable(functionDef, current);
        blockMap.put(functionDef, child);
        // Function definition binds the name
        // Process the statements in the block
        current = child;
        try {
            // Visit children (body may have further FunctionDefs)
            return super.visit_FunctionDef(functionDef);
        } finally {
            // Restore context
            current = current.parent;

    // ...
    public Void visit_Name(expr.Name name) {
        if (name.ctx == Load) {
            current.add(name.id, SymbolTable.Symbol.REFERENCED);
        } else {
            current.add(name.id, SymbolTable.Symbol.ASSIGNED);
        return null;

    // ...

Here the blockMap member is a map that will allow us to go from particular AST nodes during a subsequent walk, to the symbol table for a given scope. It is a non-intrusive way of extending the data available at each node. SymbolTable.add() makes a new entry if necessary, but importantly it keeps track of how the name has been used.

The second pass walks the symbol table tree itself, and it picks up the observations made in the first pass. Some observations are decisive, by just looking at the symbol table entry:

static class Symbol {

    final String name;
    /** Properties collected by scanning the AST for uses. */
    int flags;
    /** The final decision how the variable is accessed. */
    ScopeType scope = null;
    // ...

    boolean resolveScope() {
        if ((flags & GLOBAL) != 0) {
            scope = ScopeType.GLOBAL_EXPLICIT;
        } else if ((flags & NONLOCAL) != 0) {
            scope = ScopeType.LOCAL;
            return false;
        } else if ((flags & BOUND) != 0) {
            scope = ScopeType.LOCAL; // or CELL ultimately
        return scope != null;

However, when that method can’t decide (returns false), we must walk up the enclosing scopes looking for a valid referent. This happens in the SymbolTable class itself:

static abstract class SymbolTable {

    abstract boolean fixupFree(String name);

    void resolveAllSymbols() {
        for (SymbolTable.Symbol s : symbols.values()) {
            // The use in this block may resolve itself immediately
            if (!s.resolveScope()) {
                // Not resolved: used free or is explicitly nonlocal
                 if (isNested() && parent.fixupFree(s.name)) {
                    // Appropriate referent exists in outer scopes
                } else if ((s.flags & Symbol.NONLOCAL) != 0) {
                    // No cell variable found: but declared non-local
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "undefined non-local " + s.name);
                } else {
                    // No cell variable found: assume global

     * Apply {@link #resolveAllSymbols()} to the current scope and then
     * to child scopes recursively. Applied to a module, this completes
     * free variable fix-up for symbols used throughout the program.
    protected void resolveSymbolsRecursively() {
        for (SymbolTable st : children) {

SymbolTable has different subclasses for a module and a function definition (and there would be one for class definition if we were ready for it). The abstract method fixupFree takes care of the difference in search rules. It is only interesting in the case of a function scope:

static class FunctionSymbolTable extends SymbolTable {
    // ...
    boolean fixupFree(String name) {
        // Look up in this scope
        SymbolTable.Symbol s = symbols.get(name);
        if (s != null) {
             * Found name in this scope: but only CELL, FREE or LOCAL
             * are allowable.
            switch (s.scope) {
                case CELL:
                case FREE:
                    // Name is CELL here or in an enclosing scope
                    return true;
                case LOCAL:
                    // Bound here, make it CELL in this scope
                    return true;
                     * Any other scope value is not compatible with the
                     * alleged non-local nature of this name in the
                     * original scope.
                    return false;
        } else {
             * The name is not present in this scope. If it can be
             * found in some enclosing scope then we will add it FREE
             * here.
            if (parent.fixupFree(name)) {
                s = add(name, 0);
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

This is the bit of code that ensures intervening scopes are given free copies of variables that are FREE in enclosed scopes and CELL in an enclosing scope.

In order to test our work, we generate numerous little programs like the introductory example, with various combinations of assignment, use and declaration, and submit them to symtable. Thus we produce reference answers for all interesting combinations. There is a program in the test source tree that does this at rt1/src/test/python/symtable_testgen.py, and it generates the test material for rt1/src/test/.../treepython/TestInterp1.java, from which the Java code snippets in this section were taken.

Code Objects

Having decided from the AST which names in a given lexical scope are bound or free, global or local, and where cells must be created, we have enough information to place them in the frame storage of that scope. A frame object only exists while the function executes. (It is dynamic.) Therefore the storage specification appears statically in a code object.

In CPython

We’ve encountered the Python code object as the result of compilation, as the executable form of a module acceptable to exec(). Turning to our example program again, and its nested functions, we see that when the compiled code is disassembled, it only shows instructions for the module level:

>>> prog = """\
def f():
    def g():
        def h():
            nonlocal x
            x = 42000
    x = 420
x = 42
>>> progcode = compile(prog, '<module>', 'exec')
>>> dis.dis(progcode, depth=0)
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (<code object f at 0x00000273D04AC500, file "<module>", line 1>)
              2 LOAD_CONST               1 ('f')
              4 MAKE_FUNCTION            0
              6 STORE_NAME               0 (f)

  8           8 LOAD_CONST               2 (42)
             10 STORE_NAME               1 (x)
             12 LOAD_CONST               3 (None)
             14 RETURN_VALUE

Where are the code objects for the nested functions?

code objects form a nested structure, parallel with the symbol tables we investigated. The code object for f appears as a constant in the first instruction, pushed to the stack for the MAKE_FUNCTION instruction to consume. Remember, a function definition is an executable statement in Python, in which the suite (body) is a sort of argument, a structured constant created in the compiler. In our example co_consts[0] contains the code for f:

>>> progcode.co_consts[0]
<code object f at 0x00000273D04AC500, file "<module>", line 1>
>>> dis.dis(progcode.co_consts[0], depth=0)
  2           0 LOAD_CLOSURE             0 (x)
              2 BUILD_TUPLE              1
              4 LOAD_CONST               1 (<code object g at 0x00000273D04B03A0, file "<module>", line 2>)
              6 LOAD_CONST               2 ('f.<locals>.g')
              8 MAKE_FUNCTION            8 (closure)
             10 STORE_FAST               0 (g)

  7          12 LOAD_CONST               3 (420)
             14 STORE_DEREF              0 (x)
             16 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             18 RETURN_VALUE

There is a project-specific tool in rt1/src/main/python/codeutil.py (put the directory on sys.path) that will dump out the tree of code objects and the attributes that define the frame each creates:

>>> import codeutil as cu
>>> cu.show_code(prog)
Code block: <module>
    co_argcount  : 0
    co_kwonlyargcount : 0
    co_nlocals   : 0
    co_name      : '<module>'
    co_names     : ('f', 'x')
    co_varnames  : ()
    co_cellvars  : ()
    co_freevars  : ()
Code block: f
    co_argcount  : 0
    co_kwonlyargcount : 0
    co_nlocals   : 1
    co_name      : 'f'
    co_names     : ()
    co_varnames  : ('g',)
    co_cellvars  : ('x',)
    co_freevars  : ()
Code block: g
    co_argcount  : 0
    co_kwonlyargcount : 0
    co_nlocals   : 1
    co_name      : 'g'
    co_names     : ()
    co_varnames  : ('h',)
    co_cellvars  : ()
    co_freevars  : ('x',)
Code block: h
    co_argcount  : 0
    co_kwonlyargcount : 0
    co_nlocals   : 0
    co_name      : 'h'
    co_names     : ()
    co_varnames  : ()
    co_cellvars  : ()
    co_freevars  : ('x',)

The symbol tables we have already created contain the usage information, each for its own block.

The tuples of names co_names, co_varnames, co_cellvars and co_freevars are created from the symbol table to describe the allocation of variables in the frame. In CPython byte code, local variable access uses numerical indexes directly into arrays in the frame, to which the interpreter keeps some pointers locally. The names of the variables are in tuples of strings (co_varnames, co_cellvars and co_freevars), but the interpreter does not need the names except for debugging or to return locals() as a mapping. The names in co_names, in contrast, are used as constants to look up globals and built-ins.

In CPython, storage for variables is allocated contiguously (as a block of PyObject * pointers). The interpreter in ceval.c defines pointers (local variables in C) like this:

name tuple

local variable





  • positional arguments

  • keyword only arguments

  • varargs tuple

  • keyword dictionary

  • local variables

PyObject *


freevars (we will call this cellvars)

names referred to in a nested scope, for which this one is outermost

PyCell *


(from TestInterp5 we will call this freevars)

names that refer to variables in an enclosing scope, used here or in an enclosed scope

PyCell *


value stack

PyObject *

We’ll do something similar in Java, except we do not need a value stack (in the frame), and it suits Java better to have distinct arrays of Objects and Cells. Note that the local variables (second column) are names in the CPython interpreter, not names visible to Python. (We make them interpreter state variables.)

In Java

Our Java implementation object Code is very similar to the CPython PyCodeObject, since many of its attributes are visible at the Python level.

private static class Code {
    static class ASTCode {
        final List<stmt> body;
        final SymbolTable symbolTable;
        final Map<Node, Code> codeMap;
        // ...

    /** Characteristics of a Code (as CPython co_flags). */
    final EnumSet<Trait> traits;

    /** Suite and symbols that are to us the executable code. */
    final ASTCode ast;

    /** Number of positional arguments (not counting varargs). */
    final int argcount;
    /** Number of keyword-only arguments (not counting varkeywords). */
    final int kwonlyargcount;
    /** Number of local variables. */
    final int nlocals;

    final Object[] co_consts;   // constant objects needed by the code
    final String[] co_names;    // names referenced in the code
    final String[] co_varnames; // args and non-cell locals
    final String[] co_freevars; // names ref'd but not defined here
    final String[] co_cellvars; // names def'd here & ref'd elsewhere

    final String co_name; // name of function etc.
    // ...

The significant difference from CPython is that, where that has an array of byte code, we store instead a bundle (ASTCode) containing a list of AST statement nodes, the symbol table, and a mapping. The mapping is from AST nodes to code objects, applicable to modules and function definitions.

The symbol table is present so that we can look up the correct mechanism to access the variable named in the AST node, but we also need to know its actual address. For this purpose we add two fields to each symbol:

static class Symbol {
    // ...
    int index = -1;
    int cellIndex = -1;
    // ...

These are set when we generate the Code object. We need two fields because a parameter that is free in an enclosed block must be a cell as well, so it has both a cell and a regular location written in the call.

In the AST interpreter, we could almost dispense with the name arrays because the AST node conains the name, and our symbol table contains the location. But they are a visible part of the code object and we use them for test.

There is a program in the test source tree with an initial implementation of Code and a CodeGenerator, rt1/src/test/.../treepython/TestInterp2.java, from which the next few Java code snippets were taken. The program rt1/src/test/python/symtable_testgen.py generates the test material found at the end of it (manual process).

The code generator is a visitor on the AST, but it does not generate executable instructions as it might in a real compiler. It simply accumulates the lists that will become co_varnames, co_cellvars, co_freevars and co_names, and collects a few other pieces of data, and at the end it calls the Code constructor.

private static class CodeGenerator extends AbstractVisitor<Void> {

    /** Mapping to the symbol table of any block. */
    private final Map<Node, SymbolTable> scopeMap;

    List<stmt> body;
    SymbolTable symbolTable;
    private String name;

    private final Map<Node, Code> codeMap = new HashMap<>();
    Set<Code.Trait> traits = EnumSet.noneOf(Code.Trait.class);
    int argcount;
    int kwonlyargcount;

    List<Object> consts = new LinkedList<>();
    List<String> names = new LinkedList<>();
    List<String> varnames = new LinkedList<>();
    List<String> cellvars = new LinkedList<>();
    List<String> freevars = new LinkedList<>();

    private int localIndex = 0;
    private int cellIndex = 0;
    private int nameIndex = 0;

    CodeGenerator(Map<Node, SymbolTable> scopeMap) {
        this.scopeMap = scopeMap;

    Code getCode() {
        Code.ASTCode raw = new Code.ASTCode(body, symbolTable, codeMap);
        Code code = new Code( //
                argcount, kwonlyargcount, localIndex, // sizes
                traits, // co_flags
                raw, // co_code
                consts, // co_consts
                names, varnames, freevars, cellvars, // co_* names
                name // co_name
        return code;
    // ...

For this it only needs to dip into module and function definitions. This visit method for a module, which is also our entrypoint to the whole process, is quite simple:

private static class CodeGenerator extends AbstractVisitor<Void> {
    public Void visit_Module(mod.Module module) {
        // Process the associated block scope from the symbol table
        symbolTable = scopeMap.get(module);
        body = module.body;
        name = "<module>";

        // Walk the child nodes: some define functions

        // Fill the rest of the frame layout from the symbol table

        // The code currently generated is the code for this node
        codeMap.put(module, getCode());
        return null;

When it encounters a function definition, in order to create a new scope, with its own varnames etc., it creates a new CodeGenerator starting at the same node. The visit operation thus has to have two definitions, selected according to the state.

private static class CodeGenerator extends AbstractVisitor<Void> {
    public Void visit_FunctionDef(stmt.FunctionDef functionDef) {
        // This has to have two behaviours
        if (symbolTable != null) {
             * We arrived here while walking the body of some block.
             * Start a nested code generator for the function being
             * defined.
            CodeGenerator codeGenerator = new CodeGenerator(scopeMap);
            // The code object generated is the code for this node
            Code code = codeGenerator.getCode();
            codeMap.put(functionDef, code);

        } else {
             * We are a nested code generator that just began this
             * node. The work we do is in the nested scope.
            symbolTable = scopeMap.get(functionDef);
            body = functionDef.body;
            name = functionDef.name;

            // Local variables will be in arrays not a map
            // And the caller won't supply a local variable map

            // Visit the parameters, assigning frame locations

             * Walk the child nodes assigning frame locations to names.
             * Some statements will define further functions

            // Fill the rest of the frame layout from the symbol table
        return null;

Only the position of parameters may be decided during the walk of a single CodeGenerator. (This is invoked by the line functionDef.args.accept(this) above.) At the end, when the number of parameters and cell variables is known, a little more processing is necessary to position the rest. We saw this called in both the module and function definition visits.

private static class CodeGenerator extends AbstractVisitor<Void> {

    private void finishLayout() {

        // Defer FREE variables until after (bound) CELLs.
        List<SymbolTable.Symbol> free = new LinkedList<>();

        // Iterate symbols, assigning their offsets (except if FREE).
        for (SymbolTable.Symbol s : symbolTable.symbols.values()) {
            switch (s.scope) {
                case CELL:
                case FREE:
                case GLOBAL_EXPLICIT:
                case GLOBAL_IMPLICIT:
                    if (s.is_assigned() || s.is_referenced()) {
                case LOCAL:
                    // Parameters were already added in the walk
                    if (!s.is_parameter()) {
                        if (symbolTable.isNested()) {
                        } else {

        // Allocate the FREE variables after the (bound) CELL.
        for (SymbolTable.Symbol s : free) {

The helper functions used are not shown. For the full story, visit rt1/src/test/.../treepython/TestInterp2.java in the code base.

The Frame

In CPython

As we have seen in the discussion of code objects and the symbol table, when executing code, the interpreter creates a stack of frame objects, each one being the execution context of the current module or function invocation.

Just for completeness, let’s see this in action. frame objects occur in the stack traces of exceptions, and as the state of a generator:

>>> def g(a, b):
        n = a
        while n < b:
            yield n
            n += 1

>>> x = g(10, 20)
>>> x.gi_frame.f_locals
{'a': 10, 'b': 20}

Here we see that the generator instance x contains a frame. In its locals are the parameters a and b with the values we gave them. The generator is poised at the start of the function. (n has not yet been given a value, so does not appear.) Now let’s step that a couple of times:

>>> next(x)
>>> next(x)
>>> x.gi_frame.f_locals
{'a': 10, 'b': 20, 'n': 11}

The generator is now poised at the end of the second execution of yield, where n has the value just yielded through next(). We’ll move on swiftly to the Java implementation of frames.

Java Frame and Execution Loop

A data structure equivalent to that in CPython is easy enough to define.

private static class Frame {

    final Frame f_back;
    final Code f_code;
    final Map<String, Object> f_globals;
    Map<String, Object> f_locals = null;
    final Map<String, Object> f_builtins;
    Object[] fastlocals = null;
    Cell[] cellvars = null;

    /** Partial constructor, leaves optional fields null. */
    Frame(Frame back, Code code,
            Map<String, Object> globals) {
        f_code = code;
        f_back = back;
        f_globals = globals;
        f_builtins = new HashMap<>();

A study of the CPython interpreter in ceval.c shows it, naturally, to be very busy with the fields of the frame. For the sake of efficiency, it uses several local variables that are pointers into this frame, or that are local shadows of its properties. In the same source are functions that set up frames for eval(), or exec(), or in support of function calls. These populate the parameters from argument lists and prepare the frame for execution.

In Java we try to combine related state and behaviour in one object. As evaluation is so intimately involved with the frame, we shall make the interpreter the behaviour of a Frame. In aid of this, we will make Frame abstract and add a constructor and an abstract method:

private static abstract class Frame {
    // ...

    Frame(Frame back, Code code, Map<String, Object> globals,
            Map<String, Object> locals, List<Cell> closure) {
        this(back, code, globals);
        // ... initialise according to Python rules and code object

    /** Execute the code in this frame. */
    abstract Object eval();

The additional constructor takes on some of the job of preparing the frame, according to Python rules for several scenarios (run a module, eval(code, globals, locals), call a function). In order to keep the specific implementation private, from code that handles frames as Python objects, and to allow alternative implementations to mix, we’ll define a subclass ExecutionFrame. Its implementation is the subject of the next section.

2.4.5. Extending the AST Interpreter

The Java implementation of Frame is first introduced in rt1/src/test/.../treepython/TestInterp3.java in the code base. The work in this section is demonstrated there, with test material generated by rt1/src/test/python/variable_access_testgen.py.


We have found we can interpret the AST by application of a visitor pattern. ExecutionFrame therefore not only extends Frame but implements the AST visitor methods. Expression evaluation is taken care of by the code we developed in a previous chapter, but ExecutionFrame does not (yet) use dynamic language features anywhere else. The foundation consists of constructors for the two main use cases (module and function call), and an implementation of eval:

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {

    /** Assigned eventually by return statement (or stays None). */
    Object returnValue = Py.NONE;
    /** Access rights of this class. */
    Lookup lookup = lookup();

    ExecutionFrame(Frame back, Code code, Map<String, Object> globals,
            List<Cell> closure) {
        super(back, code, globals, null, closure);

    ExecutionFrame(Frame back, Code code, Map<String, Object> globals,
            Map<String, Object> locals) {
        super(back, code, globals, locals, null);

    // ... other API  ...
    // ... visit methods ...

    Object eval() {
        for (stmt s : f_code.ast.body) s.accept(this);
        return returnValue;

The implementation of eval takes a list of AST statements that are the body of a module or function, and executes them sequentially. If one of them is a return statement, it will set the method’s return value.

We want to call an instance of this to execute a module. We will supply a global dictionary, as if we were running a program.

private static void executeTest(mod module, ... ) {

    // Compile the test AST
    Code code = compileAST(module, "<module>");

    // Set up globals to hold result
    Map<String, Object> globals = new HashMap<>();

    // Compare pythonrun.c:run_mod()
    Frame frame = new ExecutionFrame(null, code, globals, globals);

In this call, the back pointer is null because the stack is empty and this is to be the first frame.


Loading from a name is more complex now that we have frame locals. A variable is named in the AST node, but rather than look it up in a simple dictionary, we must go to the symbol table in order to determine the type of access and (for local variables) to locate the particular storage in the frame.

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {
    // ...
    public Object visit_Name(expr.Name name) {

        SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = f_code.ast.symbolTable.lookup(name.id);

        // Storage mechanism depends on scope of name & OPTIMIZED trait
        switch (symbol.scope) {
            case LOCAL:
                if (f_code.traits.contains(Code.Trait.OPTIMIZED)) {
                    return fastlocals[symbol.index];
                } else { // compare CPython LOAD_NAME opcode
                    Object v = f_locals.get(name.id);
                    if (v == null && f_globals != f_locals) {
                        v = f_globals.get(name.id);
                    if (v == null) {
                        v = f_builtins.get(name.id);
                    return v;
            case CELL:
            case FREE:
                return cellvars[symbol.cellIndex].obj;
            default: // GLOBAL_*
                return f_globals.get(name.id);

    // ... other operations
    // ... unary & binary operations as previous work

Notice that code has an attribute that determines what LOCAL access means: whether we may rely on the fastlocals array or have to use a series of dictionaries. In CPython compiled to byte code, this choice is made at compile time, and decides between the LOAD_FAST and LOAD_NAME instructions. (Equally, in Jython compiled to Java byte code, it can be decided at compile time where to seek the value.)

Assignment follows a simiar pattern, but this time we encapsulate the actual assignment as a private method for re-use with functions (next).

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {
    // ...
    public Object visit_Assign(Assign assign) {

        Object value = assign.value.accept(this);
        if (assign.targets.size() != 1) {
            throw notSupported("unpacking", assign);
        expr target = assign.targets.get(0);
        if (!(target instanceof expr.Name)) {
            throw notSupported("assignment to complex lvalue", assign);

        assign(((expr.Name)target).id, value);
        return null;

    /** Assign value to name according to its storage type */
    private void assign(String name, Object value) {
        SymbolTable.Symbol symbol =
        // Storage mechanism depends on scope of name & OPTIMIZED trait
        switch (symbol.scope) {
            case LOCAL:
                if (f_code.traits.contains(Code.Trait.OPTIMIZED)) {
                    fastlocals[symbol.index] = value;
                } else {
                    f_locals.put(name, value);
            case CELL:
            case FREE:
                cellvars[symbol.cellIndex].obj = value;
            default: // GLOBAL_EXPLICIT, GLOBAL_IMPLICIT:
                f_globals.put(name, value);
    // ... unary & binary operations as previous work
    // ... other operations

Function Definition

As frequently remarked, function definition is an executable statement: when execution reaches it, a function object is created and stored. It is therefore somewhat like assignment, but the effective right-hand side is a function object.

A Python function is created from

  • the code object,

  • a reference to the current global dictionary,

  • default values supplied in the function heading, and

  • references to (cell) variables free in the function body (the “closure”).

Code and globals are straightforward. We’re not ready to support default values (or keywords) yet, but we have prepared for the creation of the closure with the Cell type.

private static class Function implements PyCallable {

    final String name;
    final Code code;
    final Map<String, Object> globals;
    final List<Cell> closure;

    Function(Code code, Map<String, Object> globals, String name,
            List<Cell> closure) {
        this.code = code;
        this.globals = globals;
        this.name = name;
        this.closure = closure;

    public Object call(Frame back, Object[] args) {
        // Execution occurs in a new frame
        ExecutionFrame frame =
                new ExecutionFrame(back, code, globals, closure);
        // In which we initialise the parameters from arguments
        return frame.eval();
    // ...

Also in that listing may be seen how the function creates a new frame when called. We’ll come back to that.

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {

    // ...
    public Object visit_FunctionDef(FunctionDef def) {
        // The code object is present as a constant in the codeMap.
        Code targetCode = f_code.ast.codeMap.get(def);
        List<Cell> closure = closure(targetCode);
        Function func = new Function(targetCode, f_globals,
                targetCode.co_name, closure);
        assign(def.name, func);
        return null;

     * Obtain the cells that should be wrapped into a function
     * definition.
    private List<Cell> closure(Code targetCode) {
        int nfrees = targetCode.co_freevars.length;
        if (nfrees == 0) {
            // No closure necessary
            return null;
        } else {
            SymbolTable localSymbols = f_code.ast.symbolTable;
            List<Cell> closure = new ArrayList<>(nfrees);
            for (int i = 0; i < nfrees; i++) {
                String name = targetCode.co_freevars[i];
                SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = localSymbols.lookup(name);
                int n = symbol.cellIndex;
            return closure;
    // ...

The only difficult part is the creation of the closure. The target code block (corresponding to the function created) names certain variables as free (co_freevars). We have to supply a matching list of cell variables, by looking up the names in the symbol table. (This look-up is another piece of work that belongs properly to compile time.) The function object now holds references to these cells, and therefore sees the variables in the closure change as other code modifies them, even if the frame that created them is garbage-collected.

When we finally call this function, and create its frame, the frame constructor places these cell variables in the second section of the cell variables.


The final group of visit methods we need to discuss are those used in actual function calls. Remember that the function object implements a Python-callable interface, and a call method. We do this to allow call to be implemented many ways, but here we are concerned only with functions defined in Python. The called function therefore sets up a new ExecutionFrame in which to execute the function body, and fills in those local variables that are parameters.

private static class Function implements PyCallable {
    // ...
    public Object call(Frame back, List<Object> args) {
        // Execution occurs in a new frame
        ExecutionFrame frame =
                new ExecutionFrame(back, code, globals, closure);
        // In which we initialise the parameters from arguments
        return frame.eval();
    // ...

The ExecutionFrame itself provides support for setting arguments. At present we can only manage fixed numbers of positional arguments, but it does spot those cases where parameters are also cells.

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {
    // ...

   void setArguments(List<Object> args) {

        SymbolTable table = f_code.ast.symbolTable;

        // Only fixed number of positional arguments supported so far
        for (int i = 0; i < f_code.argcount; i++) {
            fastlocals[i] = args.get(i);

        // Sometimes arguments are also cell variables.
        for (int i = 0; i < f_code.argcount; i++) {
            String name = f_code.co_varnames[i];
            SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = table.lookup(name);
            if (symbol.scope == SymbolTable.ScopeType.CELL) {
                cellvars[symbol.cellIndex].obj = fastlocals[i];

    public Object visit_Call(Call call) {
        // Evaluating the expression should return a callable object
        Object funcObj = call.func.accept(this);
        if (funcObj instanceof PyCallable) {
            PyCallable callable = (PyCallable)funcObj;
            // Only fixed number of positional arguments supported
            int n = call.args.size();
            Object[] argValues = new Object[n];
            // Visit the values of positional args
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                argValues[i] = call.args.get(i).accept(this);
            return callable.call(this, argValues);
        } else {
            throw notSupported("target not callable", call);

    public Object visit_Return(Return returnStmt) {
        returnValue = returnStmt.value.accept(this);
        return null;

A return AST node is fairly simple: the value of the expression (sub-tree) gets posted to the field returnValue. Not all functions contain an explicit return, in which case returnValue still contains its initial value None.

The Test Program TestInterp3.java

We have now completed a tour of the new elements in TestInterp3. These have been prototyped as inner classes of uk.co.farowl.vsj1.example.treepython.TestInterp3, which is also a JUnit test.

The principle of this test is to use ASTs and reference results from a series of simple programs, compiled and executed by rt1/src/test/python/variable_access_testgen.py. The programe generates Java code for the AST and a class instance. For example we specify (as a string):

closprog1 = """\
# Program requiring closures made of local variables
def p(a, b):
    x = a + 1 # =2
    def q(c):
        y = x + c # =4
        def r(d):
            z = y + d # =6
            def s(e):
                return (e + x + y - 1) * z # =42
            return s(d)
        return r(c)
    return q(b)

result = p(1, 2)

In the Python program we compute the reference result by executing the code and preserving the module-level dictionary, stripped of __builtins__ noise, effectively by:

>>> glob={}
>>> exec(closprog1, glob)
>>> del glob['__builtins__']
>>> glob
{'p': <function p at 0x0000016EEB9FAD90>, 'result': 42}

We express the result (and the AST) as Java, which we paste into the end of TestInterp3.java. For closprog1 this looks like:

public void closprog1() {
    // @formatter:off
    // # Program requiring closures made of local variables
    // def p(a, b):
    //     x = a + 1 # =2
    //     def q(c):
    //         y = x + c # =4
    //         def r(d):
    //             z = y + d # =6
    //             def s(e):
    //                 return (e + x + y - 1) * z # =42
    //             return s(d)
    //         return r(c)
    //     return q(b)
    // result = p(1, 2)
    mod module = Module(

        // ... many lines of AST omitted ...

    Assign(list(Name("result", Store)), Call(Name("p", Load),
            list(Num(1), Num(2)), list()))));
    // @formatter:on
    Map<String, Object> state = new HashMap<>();
    state.put("result", 42);
    executeTest(module, state); // closprog1

executeTest runs the AST and compares the strings and numbers left as globals at the end, with the reference result in state. In the closprog example, the result is {p=<function p>, result=42}. This constitutes success.

2.4.6. Efficient load and store

Code fragments in this section are taken from rt1/src/test/java/.../vsj1/example/treepython/TestInterp4.java in the project source.

A CallSite for Loading a Variable

In the design so far, each time control enters the AST node for a name, we look that name up in the symbol table, in order to discover where it is kept and (if in the frame) at what index. We could easily cache that result in the node. However, since we have a CallSite field, this provides an interesting way to embed the symbol table result.

The first step is to separate finding the location of the variable from retrieving the value. We re-write the visit method to look like this:

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {
    // ...
    public Object visit_Name(expr.Name name) {
        if (name.site == null) {
            // This must be a first visit
            try {
                name.site = new ConstantCallSite(loadMH(name.id));
            } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
                throw linkageFailure(name.id, name, e);

        MethodHandle mh = name.site.dynamicInvoker();

        try {
            return mh.invokeExact(this);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw invocationFailure("=" + name.id, name, e);
    // ...

It is important to understand that, since there is a new frame for each function call, and the same AST code is used with all of them, we must create a mapping from ExecutionFrame to Object: a mapping that retrieves not exactly the same object each time, but whatever object has that name, interpreted for the given frame. We cannot therefore cache a reference to the specific array or dictionary, only a sort of “pointer to member” of the given class of frame. In the call mh.invokeExact(this), this is the current ExecutionFrame and mh holds the rest of the information.

The method handle, which we create once and cache in the call site, is chosen according to the entry in the symbol table like this:

private MethodHandle loadMH(String id)
        throws ReflectiveOperationException,
        IllegalAccessException {

    // How is the id used?
    SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = f_code.ast.symbolTable.lookup(id);

    // Mechanism depends on scope & OPTIMIZED trait
    switch (symbol.scope) {
        case LOCAL:
            if (f_code.traits.contains(Code.Trait.OPTIMIZED)) {
                return loadFastMH(symbol.index);
            } else if (f_locals == f_globals) {
                return loadNameMH(id, "loadNameGB");
            } else {
                return loadNameMH(id, "loadNameLGB");
        case CELL:
        case FREE:
            return loadCellMH(symbol.cellIndex);
        default: // GLOBAL_*
            return loadNameMH(id, "f_globals");

We choose amongst three basic method handle structures, according to the scope of the symbol. There are four modes, but the mechanism for lookup in a map covers both globals and dictionary locals. By way of illustration, here is the implementation of fastlocals access:

MethodHandle loadFastMH(int index)
        throws ReflectiveOperationException,
        IllegalAccessException {

    Class<Object[]> OA = Object[].class;
    Class<ExecutionFrame> EF = ExecutionFrame.class;

    // fast = λ(f) : f.fastlocals
    MethodHandle fast = lookup.findGetter(EF, "fastlocals", OA);
    // get = λ(a,i) : a[i]
    MethodHandle get = arrayElementGetter(OA);
    // atIndex = λ(a) : a[index]
    MethodHandle atIndex = insertArguments(get, 1, index);
    // λ(f) : f.fastlocals[index]
    return collectArguments(atIndex, 0, fast);

One could consider that this creates the equivalent to a LOAD_FAST opcode, together with its argument.

Let us reflect on what we’ve achieved here for a moment. One difference from the previous work with unary and binary operations, is the use of a ConstantCallSite. Once linked, the target does not need to be reconsidered. This is because it is not dependent on the class of object presented at run-time: it depends only on information available in the symbol table, and which is known during compilation. (With the minor exception of whether locals and globals are the same.) Our need to use this logic at all at run-time stems from the fact that we are interpreting the AST, rather than generating code. In a Jython compiler that generates Java byte code, we would generate instructions to access fast locals, cells or a map directly, and the index or name would be a constant in that code.

Another obvious optimisation would be to have merged identical Name nodes, so that we do not have to repeat the work for each use of the name in the program text. We will not implement that, given the observation that this entire class of work belongs to compile time activity.

A CallSite for Assignment to a Variable

A complementary use of method handles may be made for assignment. This is very similar to the load operation, except that the returned handle takes an extra argument (the value to store). Here is the method handle equivalent to a STORE_FAST opcode:

MethodHandle storeFastMH(int index)
        throws ReflectiveOperationException,
        IllegalAccessException {

    Class<Object[]> OA = Object[].class;
    Class<ExecutionFrame> EF = ExecutionFrame.class;

    // fast = λ(f) : f.fastlocals
    MethodHandle fast = lookup.findGetter(EF, "fastlocals", OA);
    // store = λ(a,k,v) : a[k] = v
    MethodHandle store = arrayElementSetter(OA);
    // storeFast = λ(f,k,v) : (f.fastlocals[k] = v)
    MethodHandle storeFast = collectArguments(store, 0, fast);
    // mh = λ(f,v) : (f.fastlocals[index] = v)
    return insertArguments(storeFast, 1, index);

However, the same comment applies, that in a compiler that generates Java byte code, the opportunity to generate efficient code at compile time makes it unnecessary to optimise like this at run-time.

2.4.7. Optimisation of Function Calls

Argument Transfer

As implemented, arguments are computed and stored in a list, passed in the call. (This reflects the generalised signature f(*args, **kwargs).) The function object then creates the frame and loads the arguments into the variables that are the parameters.

It is sensible to have the called object create the frame, because the frame’s specification is implied by the code the callable holds. In fact, that there is a frame at all, or that it is an ExecutionFrame anyway, is a consequence of the callable having been created by ExecutionFrame. Other callable objects could use a different type of frame, or none. But if the frame exists and is an ExecutionFrame, then as soon as the called object is known, we could place the arguments as they are produced, and avoid the intermediate array.

CPython has a comparable optimisation in ceval.c at _PyFunction_FastCall: when the target is a function defined in Python, when it is simple enough (e.g. uses fast locals), and when the call has a fixed argument list (no keywords or starred arguments), it creates the frame and populates it from the interpreter stack, going straight to PyEval_EvalFrameEx(f,0).

This idea leads to a version of the visit_Call that looks like this:

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {
    // ...

    public Object visit_Call(Call call) {
        // Evaluating the expression should return a callable object
        Object funcObj = call.func.accept(this);

        if (funcObj instanceof PyGetFrame) {
            return functionCall((PyGetFrame)funcObj, call.args);
        } else if (funcObj instanceof PyCallable) {
            return generalCall((PyCallable)funcObj, call.args);
        } else {
            throw notSupported("target not callable", call);

    /** Call to {@link PyGetFrame} style of function. */
    private Object functionCall(PyGetFrame func, List<expr> args) {

        // Create the destination frame
        ExecutionFrame targetFrame = func.getFrame(this);

        // Only fixed number of positional arguments supported
        int n = args.size();
        assert n == targetFrame.f_code.argcount;

        // Visit the values of positional args
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            targetFrame.setArgument(i, args.get(i).accept(this));
        // Execute with the prepared frame
        return targetFrame.eval();

    // ... generalCall as previous visit_Call

    private void setArgument(int position, Object value) {

        fastlocals[position] = value;

        // Sometimes an argument is also a cell variable.
        SymbolTable table = f_code.ast.symbolTable;
        String name = f_code.co_varnames[position];
        SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = table.lookup(name);
        if (symbol.scope == SymbolTable.ScopeType.CELL) {
            cellvars[symbol.cellIndex].obj = value;
    // ...

Later, we shall have to tackle the full semantics of calls, and will see how this idea survives the extra complications.

Re-thinking Closures

Code fragments in this section are taken from rt1/src/test/java/.../vsj1/example/treepython/TestInterp5.java in the project source.

We have followed CPython in using the same code (corresponding to CPython’s *_DEREF opcodes) to access the variables named in the co_cellvars tuple of code, and those named in the co_freevars tuple. For this reason, both are in one array. However, this layout is private to the interpreter, so we have a free choice. (We already parted company with CPython in not making one contiguous array of all locals.)

While the variables named in co_cellvars are new blank cells created in the called frame, those in co_freevars are from the closure array in the function. This involves copying that array (of references) on every call. We could save storage and data movement by referring to the closure in the function.

Adjustments to the Frame

This involves minor change to the ExecutionFrame and how we allocate storage at the end of CodeGenerator. The main changes are to ExecutionFrame itself.

We’ll take this opportunity to separate more clearly those fields that have direct analogues in CPython (holding them in the Frame class), and those that are interpreter state, holding them in the ExecutionFrame class. There’s a corresponding adjustment to be made to the constructor, and how we compose the closure for a function definition. (In an implementation that generates Java byte code, we would compose the closure in generated code.)

private static abstract class Frame {

    final Frame f_back;
    final Code f_code;
    final Map<String, Object> f_globals;
    Map<String, Object> f_locals = null;
    // ... constructors, etc.

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {
    final Cell[] freevars;
    final Cell[] cellvars;
    final Object[] fastlocals;
    Object returnValue = Py.NONE;
    Lookup lookup = lookup();

    /** Constructor suitable to run a function (with closure). */
    ExecutionFrame(Frame back, Code code, Map<String, Object> globals,
            Cell[] closure) {
        super(back, code, globals, null);

        if (code.traits.contains(Code.Trait.OPTIMIZED)) {
            fastlocals = new Object[code.nlocals];
        } else {
            fastlocals = null;

        // Names free in this code form the function closure.
        this.freevars = closure;

        // Create cell variables locally for nested blocks to access.
        int ncells = code.co_cellvars.length;
        if (ncells > 0) {
            // Initialise the cells that have to be created here
            cellvars = new Cell[ncells];
            for (int i = 0; i < ncells; i++) {
                cellvars[i] = new Cell(null);
        } else {
            cellvars = Cell.EMPTY_ARRAY;

    private Cell[] closure(Code targetCode) {
        int nfrees = targetCode.co_freevars.length;
        if (nfrees == 0) {
            // No closure necessary
            return Cell.EMPTY_ARRAY;
        } else {
            SymbolTable localSymbols = f_code.ast.symbolTable;
            Cell[] closure = new Cell[nfrees];
            for (int i = 0; i < nfrees; i++) {
                String name = targetCode.co_freevars[i];
                SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = localSymbols.lookup(name);
                boolean isFree =
                        symbol.scope == SymbolTable.ScopeType.FREE;
                int n = symbol.cellIndex;
                closure[i] = (isFree ? freevars : cellvars)[n];
            return closure;
    // ...

Access to Variables

The allocation of storage is actually a little simpler than before. Now that there are two arrays of cells, a method handle that accesses a cell variable has to be bound to the right one. The handle to store a cell variable is constructed identically for the CELL and FREE clauses, while naming the correct array:

private static class ExecutionFrame extends Frame
        implements Visitor<Object> {
    // ...

    private MethodHandle storeMH(String id)
            throws ReflectiveOperationException,
            IllegalAccessException {

        // How is the id used?
        SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = f_code.ast.symbolTable.lookup(id);

        // Mechanism depends on scope & OPTIMIZED trait
        switch (symbol.scope) {
            case LOCAL:
                if (f_code.traits.contains(Code.Trait.OPTIMIZED)) {
                    return storeFastMH(symbol.index);
                } else {
                    return storeNameMH(id, "f_locals");
            case CELL:
                return storeCellMH(symbol.cellIndex, "cellvars");
            case FREE:
                return storeCellMH(symbol.cellIndex, "freevars");
            default: // GLOBAL_*
                return storeNameMH(id, "f_globals");

    MethodHandle storeCellMH(int index, String arrayName)
            throws ReflectiveOperationException,
            IllegalAccessException {

        Class<Object> O = Object.class;
        Class<Cell[]> CA = Cell[].class;
        Class<ExecutionFrame> EF = ExecutionFrame.class;

        // get = λ(a,i) : a[i]
        MethodHandle get = arrayElementGetter(CA);
        // cells = λ(f) : f.(arrayName)
        MethodHandle cells = lookup.findGetter(EF, arrayName, CA);
        // getCell = λ(f,i) : f.cellvars[i]
        MethodHandle getCell = collectArguments(get, 0, cells);

        // setObj = λ(c,v) : (c.obj = v)
        MethodHandle setObj = lookup.findSetter(Cell.class, "obj", O);
        // setCellObj = λ(f,i,v) : (f.(arrayName)[i] = v)
        MethodHandle putCell = collectArguments(setObj, 0, getCell);
        // λ(f,v) : (f.(arrayName)[index].obj = v)
        return insertArguments(putCell, 1, index);
    // ...

Parameters that are Cells

The call itself is largely as we have seen it before, except that by delaying the problem of parameters that are cells to the eval() method, the code to load the frame is now simplified. The code added to eval() for this purpose uses only information known at compile time, so the move could be generated by the compiler:

    /** Call to {@link PyGetFrame} style of function. */
    private Object functionCall(PyGetFrame func, List<expr> args) {
        // ...
        // Visit the values of positional args
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            targetFrame.fastlocals[i] = args.get(i).accept(this);
        // Execute with the prepared frame
        return targetFrame.eval();

    // ...
    Object eval() {
        // Some arguments may be cell variables instead.
        SymbolTable table = f_code.ast.symbolTable;
        for (int i = 0; i < f_code.argcount; i++) {
            String name = f_code.co_varnames[i];
            SymbolTable.Symbol symbol = table.lookup(name);
            if (symbol.scope == SymbolTable.ScopeType.CELL) {
                cellvars[symbol.cellIndex].obj = fastlocals[i];

        // Execute the body of statements
        for (stmt s : f_code.ast.body) {
        return returnValue;
    // ...

A CallSite for a Function Call?

Although the use of method handles to streamline assignment has doubtful value, the function call is a different matter. Why think this? The activity that takes place when execution arrives at a call site is determined by two sets of characteristics:

  • the pattern of arguments supplied at the call site; and

  • the signature of the function called (function or code object).

Python supports a rich diversity in both. Additionally, while the characteristics of the call site are evident to the compiler, it is not able to predict the type of object it will call: in general the called object is the result of an arbitrary expression, and perhaps does not yield a function object, but something else with a __call__ method, unknown until run-time. This is a distinction we could manage with a guarded method handle, calling functionCall or generalCall as appropriate.

Because of this richness, Python has to be prepared to work hard during a call, matching actual arguments to parameters in the signature, and positioning these in the frame, where the particular called object expects them to be. There are fast paths in the code of CPython for the common cases, and a scheme in which discarded frames of the right “shape” are cached on the function that needs them (“zombie frames”).

We observe that:

  • The pattern is fixed for the call site (meaning the positional and keyword arguments, and the starred array and dictionary arguments).

  • The identity of the function is frequently the same from call to call. (It is a built-in or module-level function, or a monomorphic instance method.)

These two factors suggest that a cache at each site, keyed to the identity (not just class) of the function, would be a worthwhile optimisation. As this is only testable when we have a variety of callable types, it will wait until a later chapter.